Hierarchical class list
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See also: Classes: Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, common classes and Skulltag-specific classes.
This is list of all actor classes sorted by inheritance. All these actors are derived from Actor.
- ActivatedTimeBomb
- AlienAspClimber
- AlienBubbleColumn
- AlienCeilingBubble
- AlienChunkLarge
- AlienChunkSmall
- AlienFloorBubble
- AlienSpectre1
- Barrel
- BarricadeColumn
- Bat
- Beast
- BeastBall
- BFGBall
- BFGExtra
- BigTree
- BigTree2
- Bishop
- BishopBlur
- BishopFX
- BishopMissile
- BishopPainBlur
- BishopPuff
- BlastEffect
- BlasterPuff
- BlasterSmoke
- Blood
- BloodPool
- BloodscourgeDrop
- BloodSplash
- BloodSplashBase
- BloodSplatter
- BloodyTwitch
- BlueTorch
- BossBrain
- BossEye
- BrainStem
- BrassTorch
- BridgeBall
- BrownPillar
- BulletPuff
- BurningBarrel
- BurningBowl
- BurningBrazier
- Cacodemon
- CacodemonBall
- CageLight
- CajunBodyNode
- CajunTrace
- Candelabra
- Candle
- Candlestick
- CavePillarBottom
- CavePillarTop
- CeilingChain
- CeilingTurret
- Centaur
- Chandelier
- ChimneyStack
- CircleFlame
- ClericBoss
- Clink
- ColonGibs
- ColorSetter
- Column
- CommanderKeen
- Computer
- Corona
- CorpseBit
- CorpseBloodDrip
- CrossbowFX1
- DeadAcolyte
- DeadCrusader
- DeadMarine
- DeadPeasant
- DeadReaver
- DeadRebel
- DeadStick
- DeadStrifePlayer
- Decal
- Demon
- DoomImpBall
- DoomUnusedStates
- Dragon
- DragonExplosion
- DragonFireball
- DynamicLight (OpenGL only: not supported by ZDoom)
- PointLight (OpenGL only: not supported by ZDoom)
- PointLightAdditive (OpenGL only: not supported by ZDoom)
- PointLightFlicker (OpenGL only: not supported by ZDoom)
- VavoomLight (OpenGL only: not supported by ZDoom)
- GoldWandPuff1
- GreenTorch
- Grenade
- GrenadeSmokeTrail
- HammerMissile
- HammerPuff
- HangBNoBrain
- HangingCorpse
- HangNoGuts
- HangTLookingDown
- HangTLookingUp
- HangTNoBrain
- HangTSkull
- HateTarget
- HeadCandles
- HeadFX1
- HeadFX2
- HeadFX3
- HeadOnAStick
- HeadsOnAStick
- HeartColumn
- HeartsInTank
- HEGrenade
- Heresiarch
- HereticImp
- HereticImpBall
- HereticImpChunk1
- HereticImpChunk2
- HolyMissile
- HolyMissilePuff
- HolyPuff
- HolySpirit
- HolyTail
- HornRodFX1
- HornRodFX2
- HugeTorch
- HWaterDrip
- IceChunk
- IceFXPuff
- IceGuy
- IceGuyBit
- IceGuyFX
- IceGuyFX2
- IceGuyWisp1
- IceGuyWisp2
- Inquisitor
- InquisitorArm
- InquisitorShot
- InterpolationPoint
- InterpolationSpecial
- Inventory
- QuestItem1
- QuestItem2
- QuestItem3
- QuestItem4
- QuestItem5
- QuestItem6
- QuestItem7
- QuestItem8
- QuestItem9
- QuestItem10
- QuestItem11
- QuestItem12
- QuestItem13
- QuestItem14
- QuestItem15
- QuestItem16
- QuestItem17
- QuestItem18
- QuestItem19
- QuestItem20
- QuestItem21
- QuestItem22
- QuestItem23
- QuestItem24
- QuestItem25
- QuestItem26
- QuestItem27
- QuestItem28
- QuestItem29
- QuestItem30
- QuestItem31
- Ironlich
- ItemFog
- KeyGizmoBlue
- KeyGizmoFloatBlue
- KeyGizmoFloatGreen
- KeyGizmoFloatYellow
- KeyGizmoGreen
- KeyGizmoYellow
- KlaxonWarningLight
- KneelingGuy
- Knight
- PatrolPoint
- PatrolSpecial
- PhoenixFX1
- PhoenixFX2
- PhoenixPuff
- PhosphorousFire
- PhosphorousGrenade
- PickupFlash
- PileOfGuts
- PillarAlienPower
- PillarAztec
- PillarAztecDamaged
- PillarAztecRuined
- PillarHugeTech
- PillarTechno
- Piston
- Pitcher
- PlasmaBall
- PotteryBit
- PowerCoupling
- PowerCrystal
- Programmer
- ProgrammerBase
- ProjectileBlade
- Puffy
- PunchPuff
- QuietusDrop
- RainPillar
- RandomSpawner
- RatBuddy
- RealGibs
- RevenantTracer
- RevenantTracerSmoke
- Ripper
- RipperBall
- Rock1
- Rock2
- Rock3
- Rocket
- RocketSmokeTrail
- RocketTrail
- Rubble1
- Rubble2
- Rubble3
- Rubble4
- Rubble5
- Rubble6
- Rubble7
- Rubble8
- SacrificedGuy
- ScriptedMarine
- SerpentFX
- SerpentGib1
- SerpentGib2
- SerpentGib3
- SerpentHead
- SerpentTorch
- ShortBlueTorch
- ShortBush
- ShortGreenColumn
- ShortGreenTorch
- ShortRedColumn
- ShortRedTorch
- ShotgunGuy
- SlimeChunk
- SlimeSplash
- SludgeChunk
- SludgeSplash
- SmallBloodPool
- SmallPillar
- SmallTorchLit
- SmallTorchUnlit
- Snake
- SnakeProjA
- Sorcerer1
- Sorcerer2
- Sorcerer2FX1
- Sorcerer2FX2
- Sorcerer2FXSpark
- Sorcerer2Telefade
- SorcererFX1
- SorcFX1
- SorcFX2
- SpectralLightningHTail
- SpiderMastermind
- SRock1
- SRock2
- SRock3
- SRock4
- SStalactiteBig
- SStalactiteSmall
- SStalagmiteBig
- SStalagmiteSmall
- StaffPuff
- StalactiteLarge
- StalactiteSmall
- StalagmiteLarge
- StalagmiteSmall
- Stalagtite
- Stalker
- Statue
- StatueRuined
- StickInWater
- Stool
- StrifeBishop
- StrifeBurningBarrel
- StrifeCandelabra
- StrifeHumanoid
- TableShit1
- TableShit2
- TableShit3
- TableShit4
- TableShit5
- TableShit6
- TableShit7
- TableShit8
- TableShit9
- TableShit10
- TallBush
- TallGreenColumn
- TallRedColumn
- Tank1
- Tank2
- Tank3
- Tank4
- Tank5
- Tank6
- TargetPractice
- TechLamp
- TechLamp2
- TechLampBrass
- TechLampSilver
- TechPillar
- TeleGlitter1
- TeleGlitter2
- TeleGlitterGenerator1
- TeleGlitterGenerator2
- TeleportDest
- TorchTree
- Tray
- TreeDestructible
- TreeStub
- Tub
- Unknown
- Volcano
- VolcanoBlast
- VolcanoTBlast
- WallTorch
- WaterBottle
- WaterDrip
- WaterDropOnFloor
- WaterfallSplash
- WaterFountain
- WaterSplash
- WaterSplashBase
- WaterZone
- Whirlwind
- Wizard
- WizardFX1
- WolfensteinSS
- WoodenBarrel
- Wraith
- WraithFX1
- WraithFX2
- WraithFX3
- WraithFX4
- WraithFX5
- WraithvergeDrop
- ZArmorChunk
- ZBannerTattered
- ZBarrel
- ZBell
- ZBlueCandle
- ZBucket
- ZCandle
- ZChainBit32
- ZChainBit64
- ZChainEndHeart
- ZChainEndHook1
- ZChainEndHook2
- ZChainEndSkull
- ZChainEndSpike
- ZChandelier
- ZChandelierUnlit
- ZCorpseHanging
- ZCorpseKabob
- ZCorpseLynched
- ZCorpseLynchedNoHeart
- ZCorpseSitting
- ZCorpseSleeping
- ZIronMaiden
- ZLog
- ZMossCeiling1
- ZMossCeiling2
- ZombieMan
- ZombieSpawner
- ZRock1
- ZRock2
- ZRock3
- ZRock4
- ZRockBlack
- ZRockBrown1
- ZRockBrown2
- ZRubble1
- ZRubble2
- ZRubble3
- ZShroomLarge1
- ZShroomLarge2
- ZShroomLarge3
- ZShroomSmall1
- ZShroomSmall2
- ZShroomSmall3
- ZShroomSmall4
- ZShroomSmall5
- ZShrub1
- ZShrub2
- ZStalactiteIceLarge
- ZStalactiteIceMedium
- ZStalactiteIceSmall
- ZStalactiteIceTiny
- ZStalactiteLarge
- ZStalactiteMedium
- ZStalactiteSmall
- ZStalagmiteIceLarge
- ZStalagmiteIceMedium
- ZStalagmiteIceSmall
- ZStalagmiteIceTiny
- ZStalagmiteLarge
- ZStalagmiteMedium
- ZStalagmitePillar
- ZStalagmiteSmall
- ZStatueGargoyleBlueShort
- ZStatueGargoyleBlueTall
- ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedShort
- ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedTall
- ZStatueGargoyleGreenShort
- ZStatueGargoyleGreenTall
- ZStatueGargoyleRedShort
- ZStatueGargoyleRedTall
- ZStatueGargoyleRustShort
- ZStatueGargoyleRustTall
- ZStatueGargoyleStripeTall
- ZStatueGargoyleTanShort
- ZStatueGargoyleTanTall
- ZStumpBare
- ZStumpBurned
- ZStumpSwamp1
- ZStumpSwamp2
- ZSuitOfArmor
- ZSwampVine
- ZTombstoneBigCross
- ZTombstoneBrianP
- ZTombstoneBrianR
- ZTombstoneCrossCircle
- ZTombstoneRIP
- ZTombstoneShane
- ZTombstoneSmallCross
- ZTree
- ZTreeDead
- ZTreeGnarled1
- ZTreeGnarled2
- ZTreeLarge1
- ZTreeLarge2
- ZTreeSwamp120
- ZTreeSwamp150
- ZVasePillar
- ZWingedStatue
- ZXmasTree