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Note: Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:
  1. You do NOT need to copy that actor, since it is already defined.
  2. In fact, it's not just useless, it will cause problems.
  3. If you want to modify it, or use a modified version, using inheritance is the way to go.
  4. The actor definitions here are put on the wiki for reference purpose only. Learn from them, don't copy them.
Poison bolt
Actor type Explosive Game MiniStrifeLogoIcon.png (Strife)
DoomEd Number None Class Name PoisonBolt
Conversation ID 102 Puzzle Item ID N/A

Classes: PoisonBolt
A poison bolt instantly kills most monsters. It deals 50 damage on a monster with the BOSS flag, but has no effect at all on any actor with the NOBLOOD flag (boss or not).

DECORATE definition

ACTOR PoisonBolt native
  Speed 30
  Radius 10
  Height 10
  Damage 500
  MaxStepHeight 4
  SeeSound "misc/swish"
  ActiveSound "misc/swish"
  Obituary "$OB_MPPOISONBOLT" // "%o recieved a lethal dose of %k's wrath."
    ARWP A 10 A_LoopActiveSound
    AROW A 1