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This is a list of classes that are common to all games; many of them have a special function specific to ZDoom. For classes native to the games which ZDoom supports, see the main article.
ActorMover // Actor Mover HateTarget // Hate Target PathFollower // Path Follower PatrolPoint // Patrol Point PatrolSpecial // Patrol Special
SecurityCamera // Camera AimingCamera // Aiming Camera MovingCamera // Moving Camera InterpolationPoint // Interpolation Point InterpolationSpecial // Interpolation Special
Special Effects
Blood // Blood Splat BloodSplash // Blood Splash Chunk BloodSplashBase // Blood Splash BloodSplatter // Blood Splat Dirt1 // Dirt Dirt2 // Dirt 2 Dirt3 // Dirt 3 Dirt4 // Dirt 4 Dirt5 // Dirt 5 Dirt6 // Dirt 6 GlassShard // Base class for Glass Shards ItemFog // Item Respawn Flash LavaSmoke // Lava Smoke Cloud LavaSplash // Lava Splash RealGibs // Gibs (Spawned when corpse is crushed) Rock1 // Rock Rock2 // Rock 2 Rock3 // Rock 3 SGShard0 // Glass Shard 10 SGShard1 // Glass Shard SGShard2 // Glass Shard 2 SGShard3 // Glass Shard 3 SGShard4 // Glass Shard 4 SGShard5 // Glass Shard 5 SGShard6 // Glass Shard 6 SGShard7 // Glass Shard 7 SGShard8 // Glass Shard 8 SGShard9 // Glass Shard 9 SlimeChunk // Slime Chunk SlimeSplash // Slime Splash SludgeChunk // Sludge Chunk SludgeSplash // Sludge Splash Spark // Sparks (Activate to throw sparks) TeleportFog // Teleport Flash WaterSplash // Water Splash Chunk WaterSplashBase // Water Splash
ColorSetter // Set sector color FadeSetter // Set sector fog color LowerStackLookOnly // Lower stack marker SkyPicker // Skybox Picker SkyViewpoint // Skybox "Camera" UpperStackLookOnly // Upper stack marker
PlayerChunk // Base class for player gibs detached from the main corpse PlayerPawn // Base class for all player classes PlayerSpeedTrail // The speed trail created by a player when ArtiSpeedBoots is active.
Sector Actions
SecActEnter // Sector Action "Player Enters Sector" SecActExit // Sector Action "Player Leaves Sector" SecActEyesAboveC // Sector Action "Eyes go above fake ceiling" SecActEyesBelowC // Sector Action "Eyes go below fake ceiling" SecActEyesDive // Sector Action "Eyes go below fake floor" SecActEyesSurface // Sector Action "Eyes go above fake floor" SecActHitCeil // Sector Action "Player Hits Ceiling" SecActHitFakeFloor // Sector Action "Player Hits Fake Floor" SecActHitFloor // Sector Action "Player Hits Floor" SecActUse // Sector Action "Player Uses Sector" SecActUseWall // Sector Action "Player Uses Normal Wall"
Bridge // Hexen glitter bridge BridgeBall // Hexen glitter bridge ball CustomBridge // Custom bridge InvisibleBridge // Invisible bridge InvisibleBridge8 // 8 Width invisible bridge InvisibleBridge16 // 16 Width invisible bridge InvisibleBridge32 // 32 Width invisible bridge ZBridge // Visible bridge (Doom version)
Point markers
MapMarker // Map marker MapSpot // Map spot MapSpotGravity // Map spot (falls with gravity) PointPuller // Pulls actors towards it PointPusher // Pushs actors away from it SpecialSpot // Base class for special spot actors TeleportDest // Teleport destination TeleportDest2 // Teleport destination (preserves height) TeleportDest3 // Teleport destination (no gravity)
Unknown // Unknown Thing WaterZone // Swimmable Water Thing SecretTrigger // Secret Trigger SectorSilencer // Sector Silencer SoundEnvironment // Sound Environment RandomSpawner // Spawns random actors SectorFlagSetter // Sets misc sector flags