Action functions
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The list below covers all functions available to the Actor class that were originally intended to be executed from Actor states. All of these functions are available in GZDoom both in ZScript and in DECORATE (deprecated).
Note, however, that this list is not truly exhaustive:
- 1. Action specials can be executed from states as well.
- 2. In ZScript, the absolute majority of ZScript actor functions can also be called in Actor states without any limitations.
Note: The word "action" in the title if this page is largely here for historical reasons. In DECORATE all of these functions were action, but in ZScript action is a specific function type that in the majority of cases is only important for Weapon functions. Most of the functions listed below are, in fact, NOT action functions, but just regular functions without a type. Creating a new function that can be executed from an Actor state also doesn't require making it an action function.
Monster AI
- A_AlertMonsters
- A_Burst
- A_CentaurDefend
- A_Chase
- A_CheckForResurrection
- A_ClearLastHeard
- A_ClearSoundTarget
- A_ClearTarget
- A_DamageChildren
- A_DamageMaster
- A_DamageSelf
- A_DamageSiblings
- A_DamageTarget
- A_DamageTracer
- A_Die
- A_ExtChase (deprecated)
- A_FaceMaster
- A_FaceTarget
- A_FaceTracer
- A_FastChase
- A_KillChildren
- A_KillMaster
- A_KillSiblings
- A_KillTarget
- A_KillTracer
- A_Look
- A_Look2
- A_LookEx
- A_RaiseChildren
- A_RaiseMaster
- A_RaiseSelf
- A_RaiseSiblings
- A_RemoveChildren
- A_RemoveMaster
- A_RemoveSiblings
- A_RemoveTarget
- A_RemoveTracer
- A_Remove
- A_SentinelBob
- A_Teleport
- A_TurretLook
- A_VileChase
- A_Wander
Generic monster attacks
- A_BasicAttack
- A_BulletAttack
- A_ComboAttack (deprecated)
- A_CustomMissile (deprecated)
- A_CustomBulletAttack
- A_CustomRailgun
- A_CustomMeleeAttack
- A_CustomComboAttack
- A_Detonate
- A_Explode
- A_MeleeAttack (deprecated)
- A_MissileAttack (deprecated)
- A_MonsterRefire
- A_MonsterRail
- A_RadiusDamageSelf
- A_RadiusThrust
- A_SpawnProjectile
- A_ThrowGrenade
- A_WolfAttack
Freeze death functions
Sound functions
- A_StartSound
- A_StartSoundIfNotSame
- A_PlaySound (deprecated)
- A_PlaySoundEx (deprecated)
- A_PlayWeaponSound (deprecated)
- A_ActiveSound
- A_LoopActiveSound
- A_FLoopActiveSound
- A_StopSound
- A_StopSounds
- A_StopAllSounds
- A_StopSoundEx (deprecated)
- A_SoundPitch
- A_SoundVolume
- A_Pain
- A_Scream
- A_XScream
- A_PlayerScream
- A_VileStart
- A_BrainPain
- A_BrainAwake
- A_BFGSound
Print actions
Special actions
- A_BossDeath
- A_KeenDie
- A_BrainDie
- A_GetHurt
- A_KlaxonBlare
- A_CheckTerrain
- A_SetBlend
- A_CheckPlayerDone
- A_PlayerSkinCheck
- A_SkullPop
- A_SprayDecal
- A_Quake
- A_QuakeEx
- A_CopySpriteFrame
- A_SetSpriteAngle
- A_SetSpriteRotation
- A_SpriteOffset
Spawn functions
State jumps
- A_CheckBlock
- A_CheckCeiling
- A_CheckFloor
- A_CheckFlag (deprecated)
- A_CheckLOF
- A_CheckProximity
- A_CheckRange
- A_CheckSight
- A_CheckSightOrRange
- A_CheckSpecies
- A_Jump
- A_JumpIf
- A_JumpIfArmorType
- A_JumpIfCloser
- A_JumpIfHealthLower
- A_JumpIfHigherOrLower
- A_JumpIfInventory
- A_JumpIfInTargetInventory
- A_JumpIfInTargetLOS
- A_JumpIfMasterCloser
- A_JumpIfNoAmmo
- A_JumpIfTargetInLOS
- A_JumpIfTargetInsideMeleeRange
- A_JumpIfTargetOutsideMeleeRange
- A_JumpIfTracerCloser
Status changes
- A_ActiveAndUnblock
- A_ChangeCountFlags
- A_ChangeFlag (deprecated)
- A_ChangeVelocity
- A_ClearShadow
- A_CopyFriendliness
- A_DeQueueCorpse
- A_FadeIn
- A_FadeOut
- A_FadeTo
- A_FaceMovementDirection
- A_Fall
- A_Gravity
- A_HideThing
- A_LowGravity
- A_Morph
- A_NoBlocking
- A_NoGravity
- A_QueueCorpse
- A_RearrangePointers
- A_ResetHealth
- A_Respawn
- A_ScaleVelocity
- A_ScreamAndUnblock
- A_SetAngle
- A_SetArg
- A_SetChaseThreshold
- A_SetDamageType
- A_SetFloat
- A_SetFloatSpeed
- A_SetFloatBobPhase
- A_SetFloorClip
- A_SetFriendly
- A_SetGravity
- A_SetHealth
- A_SetInvulnerable
- A_SetMass
- A_SetMugshotState
- A_SetPainThreshold
- A_SetPitch
- A_SetReflective
- A_SetReflectiveInvulnerable
- A_SetRenderStyle
- A_SetRipperLevel
- A_SetRipMin
- A_SetRipMax
- A_SetRoll
- A_SetScale
- A_SetShadow
- A_SetShootable
- A_SetSize
- A_SetSolid
- A_SetSpecial
- A_SetSpecies
- A_SetSpeed
- A_SetTeleFog
- A_SetTics
- A_SetTranslucent
- A_SetUserArray
- A_SetUserArrayFloat
- A_SetUserVar
- A_SetUserVarFloat
- A_SetViewAngle
- A_SetViewPitch
- A_SetViewRoll
- A_SetTranslation
- A_SetVisibleRotation
- A_SwapTeleFog
- A_TransferPointer
- A_UnHideThing
- A_UnsetFloat
- A_UnSetFloorClip
- A_UnSetInvulnerable
- A_UnSetReflective
- A_UnSetReflectiveInvulnerable
- A_UnSetShootable
- A_UnsetSolid
Model changes
- A_ChangeModel
- SetAnimation
- SetAnimationUI
- SetAnimationFrameRate
- SetAnimationFrameRateUI
- SetModelFlag
- ClearModelFlag
- ResetModelFlags
Dynamic lights
Missile movement
- A_SeekerMissile
- A_Tracer
- A_Tracer2
- A_FaceTracer
- A_Fire
- A_BishopMissileWeave
- A_CStaffMissileSlither
- A_Weave
- A_Warp
- A_Countdown
- A_CountdownArg
- A_Stop
Inventory functions
- A_DropInventory
- A_DropItem
- A_GiveInventory
- A_GiveToChildren
- A_GiveToSiblings
- A_GiveToTarget
- A_TakeInventory
- A_TakeFromChildren
- A_TakeFromSiblings
- A_TakeFromTarget
- A_SelectWeapon
- A_SetInventory
- A_RadiusGive
Weapon functions
- A_WeaponReady
- A_WeaponOffset
- A_Lower
- A_Raise
- A_ReFire
- A_ClearReFire
- A_GunFlash
- A_CheckReload
- A_CheckForReload
- A_CheckRailReload
(Skulltag only: not supported by ZDoom) (deprecated)
- A_ResetReloadCounter
- A_Light
- A_Light0
- A_Light1
- A_Light2
- A_LightInverse
- A_ClearOverlays
- A_Overlay
- A_OverlayAlpha
- A_OverlayFlags
- A_OverlayOffset
- A_OverlayPivot
- A_OverlayPivotAlign
- A_OverlayRenderstyle
- A_OverlayRotate
- A_OverlayScale
- A_OverlayTranslation
- A_OverlayVertexOffset
- ResetPSprite
- A_Recoil
- A_ZoomFactor
- A_SetCrosshair
Weapon attack functions
- A_CustomPunch
- A_FireBullets
- A_FireCustomMissile (deprecated)
- A_FireProjectile
- A_FireAssaultGun
- A_FireBFG
- A_FireOldBFG
- A_FirePistol
- A_FireShotgun
- A_FireShotgun2
- A_FireCGun
- A_FireMissile
- A_FirePlasma
- A_FireSTGrenade (deprecated)
- A_Punch
- A_RailAttack
- A_Saw
Script functions
- ACS_NamedExecute
- ACS_NamedSuspend
- ACS_NamedTerminate
- ACS_NamedLockedExecute
- ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor
- ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult
- ACS_NamedExecuteAlways
Original Doom/Strife monster attacks
- A_PosAttack
- A_SPosAttack
- A_CPosAttack
- A_CPosRefire
- A_SpidRefire
- A_TroopAttack
- A_SargAttack
- A_HeadAttack
- A_BruisAttack
- A_SkullAttack
- A_BspiAttack
- A_CyberAttack
- A_PainAttack
- A_DualPainAttack
- A_PainDie
- A_SkelFist
- A_SkelMissile
- A_FatAttack1
- A_FatAttack2
- A_FatAttack3
- A_VileTarget
- A_VileAttack
- A_BrainSpit
- A_SpawnFly
- A_SpawnSound
- A_BrainScream
- A_BrainExplode
- A_Mushroom
- A_M_Saw
- A_SentinelRefire
- A_BetaSkullAttack
Miscellaneous functions for Doom
- A_Hoof
- A_Metal
- A_BabyMetal
- A_FatRaise
- A_SkelWhoosh
- A_StartFire
- A_FireCrackle
- A_BFGSpray
- A_BarrelDestroy
See also
- DECORATE expressions - expressions that can be used as arguments to code pointers