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A_SpawnDebris (string type [, bool translation [, float mult_h [, float mult_v]]])
Spawns debris actors based on the specified type and positions them around the calling actor. The debris type has to be defined in a certain way:
- Its health parameter specify the amount n of objects being spawned.
- The first n states are reserved as the initial states for the separate objects. If you want to do some animations you can jump to later states from here.
- type: The class name of the debris actor to spawn.
- translation: If this is TRUE, the spawned actor will be assigned the same translation table as the actor that called the function. Default is FALSE.
- mult_h: This is a multiplier for the x and y velocities of the spawned actor. Default is 1.0.
- mult_v: This is a multiplier for the z velocity of the spawned actor. Default is 1.0.
This is an example of a valid debris class:
ACTOR SentinelDebris { Health 15 Radius 1 Height 1 States { Spawn: SNT1 A -1 SNT2 A -1 SNT3 A -1 SNT3 A -1 SNT4 A -1 SNT4 A -1 SNT5 A -1 SNT6 A -1 SNT7 A -1 SNT7 A -1 SNT8 A -1 SNT8 A -1 SNT9 A -1 SNT9 A -1 SNT0 A -1 } }