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action void A_CustomPunch(int damage, bool norandom = false, int flags = CPF_USEAMMO, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff", double range = 0, double lifesteal = 0, int lifestealmax = 0, class<BasicArmorBonus> armorbonustype = "ArmorBonus", sound MeleeSound = 0, sound MissSound = "")


Defines a generic melee attack for weapons. Damage can either be random or fixed and it is possible to specify whether ammo is used or the puff that is spawned when hitting the wall or a non-bleeding actor. It is also possible to define the maximum distance of the attack and its capacity to steal life from the target.

This function is, essentially, a hitscan attack with limited range and additional options for sounds and lifesteal.


  • int damage
The damage to inflict. This can be a number or expression. If the second argument, norandom, is false then whatever number is given in damage is then multiplied by a random number between 1 and 8. If you want the number in damage to be the final damage output of the punch, or to use your own custom expression, set norandom to true.
  • bool norandom
If true, disables the default damage randomization. Default is false.
  • int flags
The following flags can be combined by using the | character between the constant names:
  • CPF_USEAMMO — Use ammo: the attack drains ammo as indicated by the appropriate Weapon.AmmoUse property.
  • CPF_DAGGER — Act like a PunchDagger: Monsters with the SEESDAGGERS flag are woken up if they see the attack, even if the weapon has the WEAPON.NOALERT flag. This replicates an element of A_JabDagger. Note that using this flag will cause struck enemies to be unconditionally placed into their pain state. (Or Pain.Dagger if they have it defined.)
  • CPF_PULLIN — Pull in: Successful hit pulls the player forward like Doom's Chainsaw or Heretic's Gauntlets. This flag only affects whether the player's velocity will be modified; they will still turn to face the struck actor, unless CPF_NOTURN is set.
  • CPF_NORANDOMPUFFZ — The random z offset given to the puff when spawned is disabled.
  • CPF_NOTURN — No turn: the player's facing angle is not adjusted towards their struck target on successful hits.
  • CPF_STEALARMOR — When lifesteal is used, the stolen health is converted to armor points, repairing the player's armor, instead of healing the player like normal.
  • class<Actor> pufftype
The puff actor to use when striking a wall or non-bleeding actor. The default is BulletPuff.
  • {{c|double 'range
The range of the attack. The default value is 0, which is interpreted as 64. Note, this is counted from the center of the player actor, so if the value is above 0 but below their radius, it won't connect with anything.
  • double lifesteal
If positive, is the value used as a factor for giving back the inflicted damage as hit points to the actor using the calling weapon. The value works as a multiplier, so 1.0 will give the player exactly as much health as they dealt damage; higher values will give more, lower values will give a smaller fraction. (The resulting value is still an integer number, since health and damage are always integer numbers).
  • int lifestealmax
The limit of how much the player heals when stealing health from the victim. This works for when stealing health for health and health for armor. Positive values set an explicit limit. If a value of zero is passed, the player is healed up to their maximum health when stealing for health, and up to the armorbonustype item's Armor.MaxSaveAmount (see below) when stealing for armor. Default value is 0.
The armor bonus item to use for repairing armor when life-stealing. This must be an item derived from BasicArmorBonus. When stealing for armor, the item's Armor.SaveAmount property is taken into account; the life stolen value will be multiplied by that property's value. If this is not specified, ArmorBonus will be used as the default item. Note, this argument has no effect without the CPF_STEALARMOR flag.
  • Sound meleesound
If the attack hits anything, the weapon will play this sound effect. If unspecified, the weapon's AttackSound property is used instead.
  • Sound misssound
The sound to play if the weapon does not hit anything tangible.

Note that Berserk powerup does not work with A_CustomPunch() out of the box; checking for PowerStrength must be implemented manually (see examples).



This recreates the behavior of Doomguy's fist:

class ZSFist : Fist
		PUNG B 4;
		PUNG C 4 
			int dmg = 2 * random(1,10);
			if (FindInventory("PowerStrength"))
				dmg *= 10;
			A_CustomPunch(dmg, norandom:true, range: meleeRange + 20, meleesound: "*fist");
		PUNG D 5;
		PUNG C 4;
		PUNG B 5 A_ReFire;
		Goto Ready;

Note, this example utilizes ZScript named arguments and an anonymous function for better readability.

DECORATE (deprecated)

  KNIF B 4
  KNIF C 4 A_CustomPunch(20, FALSE, 0) // 20 * random(1, 8) since norandom is false, uses no ammo, will 
                                       // spawn a BulletPuff, has a range of 64, and doesn't steal life.
  KNIF D 5
  KNIF C 4
  KNIF B 5 A_ReFire
  Goto Ready
  SWRD B 4
  SWRD C 4 A_CustomPunch(random(4, 8) * 10, TRUE, 0, "SwordPuff", 96) // Uses a custom damage formula, spawns
                                                                      // a custom puff, and has a longer range of 96.
  SWRD D 4
  SWRD C 6
  SWRD B 6 A_ReFire
  Goto Ready

As mentioned above, A_CustomPunch does not work with the berserk pack "out of the box". The following example provides a workaround for this using Doom's fist as an example:

ACTOR CustomFist : Fist
    PUNG B 4
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("PowerStrength", 1, "Berserked")
    PUNG C 4 A_CustomPunch(2 * random(1, 10), TRUE)
    Goto FireEnd
    PUNG C 4 A_CustomPunch(20 * random(1, 10), TRUE)
    PUNG D 5
    PUNG C 4
    PUNG B 5 A_ReFire
    Goto Ready

By checking for the presence of the PowerStrength powerup in the player's inventory, which is given by the berserk pack, the damage of the punch can be "adjusted".