bool, Actor A_SpawnItemEx (class<Actor> missile, double xofs = 0, double yofs = 0, double zofs = 0, double xvel = 0, double yvel = 0, double zvel = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, int failchance = 0, int tid = 0)
Spawns an actor at the specified offset away from the calling actor, facing the given angle, and with the indicated velocity.
The function does not spawn monster-based actors if the calling actor was massacred.
- Class<Actor> missile
- The class name of the actor to spawn. This can be any actor type.
- double xofs
- double yofs
- double zofs
- Offsets from the calling actor to spawn the new actor at. xofs is forward/backward, yofs is right/left, zofs is up/down.
- double xvel
- double yvel
- double zvel
- Velocity to give to the spawned actor, relative to the calling actor's facing angle. xvel is forward/backward, yvel is right/left, zvel is up/down.
- double angle
- Offsets the spawned actor's angle from the calling actor by the specified amount. At
uses the calling actor's angle. Positive numbers rotate the spawned actor to the left, negative numbers turn it to the right in relation to the actor.
- int flags
- Multiple flags can be combined with
. The following flags are available:- SXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION - the spawned actor uses the same translation as the calling actor, provided the spawned actor can be translated. This flag takes precedence over SXF_USEBLOODCOLOR.
- SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION - applies the spawn offsets according to the absolute XY axes of the map, rather than relative to the direction the calling actor is facing.
- SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE - use the angle parameter as an absolute angle instead of a relative one to the calling actor's angle.
- SXF_ABSOLUTEVELOCITY - the spawned actor will have its velocity set in absolute values instead of relative derived from the calling actor's velocities along the X, Y and Z axis.
- SXF_SETMASTER - sets the spawned actor's
pointer to the caller (see Actor pointers), making the spawned actor its "minion". Master and minions do not attack each other, and this relationship allows the use of functions that affect one another, such as A_DamageMaster and A_GiveToChildren. This flag takes precedence over SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS when setting the master field. - SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION - do not check the destination for room before spawning. This flag is only meaningful if the spawned actor is monster based, as only actors of this type are tested for room normally.
- SXF_TELEFRAG - kills any actor that would prevent the new actor from spawning. This flag implies SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION.
- SXF_CLIENTSIDE - client-side spawning only.
(Skulltag only: not supported by ZDoom)
- SXF_TRANSFERAMBUSHFLAG - if the calling actor has the AMBUSH flag set, then the spawned actor will have it as well.
- SXF_TRANSFERPITCH - transfers the calling actor's pitch to the spawned actor. Note that this has no effect on the spawned actor's velocities. If you want the calling actor's pitch to be taken into account for the spawned actor's trajectory, use a formula such as this one: A_SpawnItemEx (<type>,cos(pitch)*<Dist. from spawner>,<yofs>,<zofs>-(sin(pitch)*<Dist. from spawner>),cos(pitch)*<Projectile speed>,0,-sin(pitch)*<Projectile speed>,<angle>,<flags>,<chance>)
- SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS - transfers the calling actor's master, target, and tracer fields to the spawned actor. SXF_SETMASTER, SXF_SETTARGET and SXF_SETTRACER take precedence over this flag.
- SXF_USEBLOODCOLOR - uses the calling actor's BloodColor as the source of translation to be applied to the spawned actor, provided the spawned actor can be translated. If no BloodColor is specified, no translation is applied. SXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION takes precedence over this flag.
- SXF_CLEARCALLERTID - if the actor is spawned successfully, the calling actor will have its TID set to 0.
- SXF_MULTIPLYSPEED - multiplies the spawned actor's velocity by its Speed property.
- SXF_TRANSFERSCALE - transfers the current scale factor of the calling actor to the spawned actor.
- SXF_TRANSFERSPECIAL - transfers the calling actor's special and arguments to the spawned actor.
- SXF_CLEARCALLERSPECIAL - if the actor is spawned successfully, the calling actor will have its special and arguments removed.
- SXF_TRANSFERSTENCILCOL - transfers the calling actor's StencilColor to the spawned actor.
- SXF_TRANSFERALPHA - transfers the calling actor's alpha to the spawned actor.
- SXF_TRANSFERRENDERSTYLE - transfers the calling actor's render style to the spawned actor.
- SXF_SETTARGET - sets the originator as the spawned actor's target. This flag takes precedence over SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS when setting the target field.
- SXF_SETTRACER - sets the originator as the spawned actor's tracer. This flag takes precedence over SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS when setting the tracer field.
- SXF_NOPOINTERS - clears the spawned actor's target, master and tracer fields. If the spawned actor is monster based, it also prevents it from becoming affiliated with the originator if the originator is also monster based, or becoming a friendly monster that is allied with the originator if it is a player. SXF_SETTARGET, SXF_SETMASTER and SXF_SETTRACER take precedence over this flag, while this flag takes precedence over SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS.
- SXF_ORIGINATOR - explicitly sets the calling actor as the originator. This is only meaningful if the calling actor is missile based, as actors of this type cannot be originators normally.
- SXF_TRANSFERSPRITEFRAME - transfers the calling actor's current sprite and frame letter to the spawned actor. This only works if the spawned actor's first spawn sprite (and/or frame) has the reserved special name for the sprite and frame letter.
- SXF_TRANSFERROLL - transfers the calling actor's roll angle to the spawned actor.
- SXF_ISTARGET - the spawned actor becomes the calling actor's target.
- SXF_ISMASTER - the spawned actor becomes the calling actor's master.
- SXF_ISTRACER - the spawned actor becomes the calling actor's tracer.
- int failchance
- This is the chance (out of 256) that the actor has of not spawning. If this is 0, the actor's chance of spawning is 100%. If it is 256, it will never spawn. Default is 0.
- int tid
- The TID to assign to the spawned actor. Passing tid, allows for the spawned actor to have the same TID as the calling actor. In conjunction with SXF_CLEARCALLERTID, this can be used to transfer a TID from the calling actor to the spawned actor.
The originator is the actor that is considered to be the "spawner" actor. Normally, the originator is the same as the calling actor of the function, except in the case of missile-based actors. A missile-based actor cannot be the originator unless it is explicitly set to be (see SXF_ORIGINATOR). If not, then the originator is whatever non-missile actor that it considers to be its spawner or shooter. If this actor does not exist, then there is no originator in this case.
Return value
The function returns two values:
- A boolean based on whether the actor successfully spawned or not. An actor that does not spawn because of chance or massacre always counts as success.
- A pointer to the spawned actor. If the actor fails to spawn due to chance or massacre, the returned value is null. When testing for space to spawn the actor in, the actor is spawned, tested and then immediately destroyed if it fails the test. The returned value in this case is still a pointer to the actor, not null. The space test is performed on monster-based actors only.
So based on the above, it is important to check for both of these values in order to determine whether an actor has truly spawned or not.
The following actor is a variant of the Heretic explosive pod that leaves a poison cloud behind it as well. It uses A_SpawnItemEx so as to make use of the SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS flag. This way, the monster or player responsible for blowing up the pod will be known as the source of damage created by the poison cloud. This makes sure that deathmatch frags are credited to the proper player, and allows barrel-based infighting to happen. The yofs is set to 28 so as to mimic closely the A_PoisonBagInit function which is not accessible to pod actors. This example also uses ZScript named arguments to avoid the need to define the arguments where the default value (0) is used.
class PoisonPod : Pod { Default { DeathSound "PoisonPod/Puff"; } States { Death: PPOD C 5 Bright A_RemovePod; PPOD D 5 Bright A_Scream; PPOD E 5 Bright A_Explode; PPOD F 10 Bright A_SpawnItemEx("PoisonCloud", zofs: 28, flags:SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS); Stop; } }