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Nuvolabomb.png Warning: The feature described on this page has been deprecated, and will no longer be supported or updated by the GZDoom developers. While some functionality may be retained for the purposes of backwards-compatibility, authors are strongly discouraged from utilizing this feature in future projects and to instead use A_CustomMissile. Compatibility with future GZDoom versions is not guaranteed.


(no parameters)

Turns the actor to face its target, then launches a missile.

Properties used:

  • missiletype classname
Actor name of the missile being launched.
  • missileheight value
Height above floor for the spawned missile.

A_MissileAttack can handle homing missiles as long as the missile has the SEEKERMISSILE flag set and contains some kind of tracer code pointer in its moving animation.


A tougher version of the Baron of Hell that shoots a more powerful missile:

 actor BaronOfUnderworld : BaronOfHell 7601
   health 4500
   speed 12
   missiletype "UnderworldFireball"
   missileheight 48
       BOSS EF 6 A_FaceTarget
       BOSS G 6 A_MissileAttack
       BOSS EF 6 A_FaceTarget
       BOSS G 6 A_MissileAttack
       BOSS EF 6 A_FaceTarget
       BOSS G 6 A_MissileAttack
       goto See