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This page describes a function made for one of the natively supported games. These functions are made with very specific purpose and provide no flexibility, so using them in custom projects is not recommended. Authors are encouraged to use one of the more generalized functions in custom projects. For example: A_FireProjectile.

action void A_FireOldBFG()
Performs the BFG9000's attack from the Doom press-release beta version. Each call of the function fires two plasma projectiles, one is green and the other is red, with a slight random spread. The BFG calls this function 40 times costing 40 points of ammunition with 1-tic interval between each call.
The beta BFG9000 firing sequence is defined within the BFG9000 class itself:
BFGG A 10 A_BFGsound;
BFGG B 0 A_Light0;
BFGG B 20 A_ReFire;
Goto Ready;
ZScript definition
Note: The ZScript definition below is for reference and may be different in the current version of GZDoom.The most up-to-date version of this code can be found on GZDoom GitHub. |
// A_FireOldBFG
// This function emulates Doom's Pre-Beta BFG
// By Lee Killough 6/6/98, 7/11/98, 7/19/98, 8/20/98
// This code may not be used in other mods without appropriate credit given.
// Code leeches will be telefragged.
action void A_FireOldBFG()
bool doesautoaim = false;
if (player == null)
Weapon weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (invoker != weap || stateinfo == null || stateinfo.mStateType != STATE_Psprite) weap = null;
if (weap != null)
if (!weap.DepleteAmmo (weap.bAltFire, true, 1))
doesautoaim = weap.bNoAutoaim;
weap.bNoAutoaim = true;
player.extralight = 2;
// Save values temporarily
double SavedPlayerAngle = angle;
double SavedPlayerPitch = pitch;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // Spawn two plasma balls in sequence
angle += random[OldBFG](-64, 63) * (90./768);
pitch += random[OldBFG](-64, 63) * (90./640);
SpawnPlayerMissile (i == 0? (class<Actor>)("PlasmaBall1") : (class<Actor>)("PlasmaBall2"));
// Restore saved values
angle = SavedPlayerAngle;
pitch = SavedPlayerPitch;
// Restore autoaim setting
if (weap != null) weap.bNoAutoaim = doesautoaim;