State A_CheckBlock(StateLabel label, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT, double xofs = 0, double yofs = 0, double zofs = 0, double angle = 0)
Note: Jump functions perform differently inside of anonymous functions. |
Checks if the given Actor pointer would be blocked at the position defined by the x/y/z and angle offsets. If it would be blocked, the caller jumps to the state specified by label. The CBF_DROPOFF flag will enable full movement checking instead of doing a basic position check. An important note is that the pointers from the CBF_SET* flags will still get set even when CBF_NOACTORS is used, but only if CBF_DROPOFF isn't set.
- label: The State to jump to if the position would be blocked.
- flags: The following can be combined with a
symbol (bitwise or)- CBF_NOLINES - Ignore any lines that would block the Actor pointer.
- CBF_SETTARGET - If an Actor would block the Actor pointer, set that Actor as the caller's target.
- CBF_SETMASTER - Same as CBF_SETTARGET, but for master.
- CBF_SETTRACER - Same as CBF_SETTARGET, but for tracer.
- CBF_SETONPTR - Set the pointers on the Actor pointer instead of the caller. Requires any of the CBF_SET* flags to be set.
- CBF_DROPOFF - Test to see if the Actor pointer would move over any terrain it can't traverse.
- CBF_NOACTORS - Ignore any Actors that would block the Actor pointer.
- CBF_ABSOLUTEPOS - Use x/y/zofs as an absolute map position. angle will be ignored.
- CBF_ABSOLUTEANGLE - Use angle as an absolute direction instead of offsetting from the caller's current angle.
- ptr: Which Actor pointer to use for the test. By default this is the caller.
- xofs: How much to offset forward from the Actor pointer's position based on the caller's current angle.
- yofs: How much to offset to the left from the Actor pointer's position based on the caller's current angle.
- zofs: How much to offset upward from the Actor pointer's current position.
- angle: How much to offset the caller's current angle. Positive values rotate counter-clockwise.
Return Value
Returns the State the caller wants to jump to. This is null
if the position wasn't blocked. The return value is only relevant within anonymous or custom ZScript functions. Otherwise the jump will happen automatically.
This former human is very nervous; it runs around if anything disturbs it.
Actor NervousZombieman : Zombieman { States { See: POSS AA 4 Fast A_Chase POSS A 0 A_CheckBlock("Nervous", CBF_SETTARGET, AAPTR_DEFAULT, radius + 1) POSS BB 4 Fast A_Chase POSS B 0 A_CheckBlock("Nervous", CBF_SETTARGET, AAPTR_DEFAULT, radius + 1) POSS CC 4 Fast A_Chase POSS C 0 A_CheckBlock("Nervous", CBF_SETTARGET, AAPTR_DEFAULT, radius + 1) POSS DD 4 Fast A_Chase POSS D 0 A_CheckBlock("Nervous", CBF_SETTARGET, AAPTR_DEFAULT, radius + 1) Loop Missile: POSS E 10 A_FaceTarget POSS F 8 A_PosAttack POSS E 8 Goto See Pain: POSS G 3 POSS G 3 A_Pain Goto Nervous Nervous: POSS AABBCCDD 2 Fast A_Wander POSS A 0 A_Jump(64, "See") Loop Raise: POSS K 5 POSS JIH 5 Goto See } }