Sound sequence

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A sound sequence is as the name implies a series of sounds that are played sequentially. The most common sound sequences are used for sector movement, such as doors opening or platform lowering: these typically have a sequence made of a "start" sound played once, followed by a "moving" sound played on a loop until the sector stops moving the a "stop" sound is played once.

However, sound sequences can be used for other purposes. Heretic uses sound sequences for its ambient sounds, and they can be scripted with ACS functions such as SoundSequence and its variants. The console command playsequence can be used to test sound sequences.

To override a sector's default sound sequences, use the UDMF soundsequence property with the sound sequence name, a sound sequence thing with the relevant sequence index, or the Sector_ChangeSound special with the sequence index. For polyobjects, use the sound parameter in Polyobj_StartLine or Polyobj_ExplicitLine.

Note that a sector has only one sound sequence. If a sector behaves both as a door and a platform, it will use the same sound sequence name (in UDMF) or index (with sound sequence thing) for both its door movements and its platform movements. Sector_ChangeSound can be used to attempt to work around this limitation, setting a door sound before running a door special and a platform sound before running a platform special.

Standard sound sequences

The following sequences are defined in ZDoom:

The following sequences are defined in the Hexen IWAD:

When playing Hexen, the DoorNormal, Platform, and Silence sequences are overridden by those from the Hexen IWAD. The Silence sequence is identical for obvious reasons, so only DoorNormal and Platform are redefined.

Sector movement

The default sound sequence used for sector movement depends on the type of movement. Sector movement sequences are caused by the following specials:

Special Default sequence Notes
Ceiling_CrushAndRaise CeilingNormal
Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA CeilingNormal
Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist CeilingNormal
Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA CeilingSemiSilent
Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay CeilingNormal
Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA CeilingNormal
Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilA CeilingSemiSilent
Ceiling_LowerAndCrush CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerAndCrushDist CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerByValue CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8 CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerInstant CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerToFloor CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor CeilingNormal
Ceiling_LowerToLowest CeilingNormal
Ceiling_MoveToValue CeilingNormal
Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8 CeilingNormal
Ceiling_RaiseByValue CeilingNormal
Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8 CeilingNormal
Ceiling_RaiseInstant CeilingNormal
Ceiling_RaiseToNearest CeilingNormal
Door_Animated Animated door, uses the sequences defined in ANIMDEFS with OpenSound and CloseSound
Door_Close Door, see below
Door_CloseWaitOpen Door, see below
Door_LockedRaise Door, see below
Door_Open Door, see below
Door_Raise Door, see below
Elevator_LowerToNearest Floor
Elevator_MoveToFloor Floor
Elevator_RaiseToNearest Floor
Floor_Donut Floor
Floor_LowerByValue Floor
Floor_LowerByValueTimes8 Floor
Floor_LowerInstant Floor
Floor_LowerToHighest Floor
Floor_LowerToLowest Floor
Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy Floor
Floor_LowerToNearest Floor
Floor_MoveToValue Floor
Floor_MoveToValueTimes8 Floor
Floor_RaiseByTexture Floor
Floor_RaiseByValue Floor
Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8 Floor
Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy Floor
Floor_RaiseInstant Floor
Floor_RaiseToHighest Floor
Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling Floor
Floor_RaiseToNearest Floor
Floor_RaiseAndCrush Floor
FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue Floor
FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise CeilingNormal Also plays "Floor" sequence, though see Boom emulation note in article
FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue Floor
Generic_Ceiling CeilingNormal
Generic_Crusher CeilingNormal Use sequence "Silence" instead if arg3 is true
Generic_Crusher2 CeilingNormal Use sequence "Silence" instead if arg3 is true
Generic_Door Door, see below
Generic_Floor Floor
Generic_Lift Platform Use sequence "Floor" instead if arg3 is 4
Generic_Stairs Floor
Pillar_Build Floor
Pillar_BuildAndCrush Floor
Pillar_Open Floor
Plat_DownByValue Floor
Plat_DownWaitUpStay Platform
Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip Platform Use sequence "Floor" instead if arg4 is true
Plat_PerpetualRaise Platform
Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip Platform
Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0 Floor
Plat_ToggleCeiling Silence
Plat_UpByValue Floor
Plat_UpByValueStayTx Floor
Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay Platform
Plat_UpWaitDownStay Platform
Polyobj_DoorSlide Door, see below
Polyobj_DoorSwing Door, see below
Polyobj_Move Door, see below
Polyobj_MoveTimes8 Door, see below
Polyobj_OR_Move Door, see below
Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8 Door, see below
Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft Door, see below
Polyobj_OR_RotateRight Door, see below
Polyobj_RotateLeft Door, see below
Polyobj_RotateRight Door, see below
Stairs_BuildDown Floor
Stairs_BuildDownSync Floor
Stairs_BuildUp Floor
Stairs_BuildUpDoom Floor
Stairs_BuildUpSync Floor

Door sound sequences also depend on the game played.

Game Door
Doom DoorNormal
Heretic HereticDoor
Hexen DoorNormal
Strife See table below

Strife door sound sequences also depend on the upper texture name, as shown in the table below:

DORS* DoorStone
DORM* DoorLargeMetal
DORWL* DoorLargeWood
DORW* DoorSmallWood
Default DoorSmallMetal

Hexen does not specifically assign door or platform sequence indices in SNDSEQ, since the number of supported sequences is limited to the existing types. Instead, it uses the following hardcoded indices:

Index Door Platform Theme
0 DoorNormal Platform Stone
1 DoorHeavy Platform Heavy
2 DoorMetal PlatformMetal Metal
3 DoorCreak Platform Creak
4 Silence Silence Silence
5 Lava Lava Lava
6 Water Water Water
7 Ice Ice Ice
8 Earth Earth Earth
9 DoorMetal2 PlatformMetal2 Metal 2

See also