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205:Generic_Crusher (tag, dspeed, uspeed, silent, crush)
169:Generic_Crusher2 (tag, dspeed, uspeed, silent, crush)
284:Generic_CrusherDist (tag, dspeed, uspeed, silent, crush)

  • tag: Tag of affected sector
  • dspeed: How quickly the ceiling lowers
  • uspeed: How quickly the ceiling raises
  • silent: Set this to 1 to prevent the crusher from making noise
  • crush: Amount of damage to apply

This special encapsulates Boom's generalized crushers. It is the same as Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA, except that it takes an argument to control the “noisiness” of the crusher.

Unlike the other crushing specials where the crush mode is a parameter, the generic version uses a different special type because it already has all parameters in use. Generic_Crusher uses Doom mode and Generic_Crusher2 uses Hexen mode.

Generic_CrusherDist is the same as Generic_Crusher except the ceiling stops 8 map units above the floor before rising rather than go all the way down.


The below ACS script will start the crusher in sector tag 7, with a downward speed of 30 and an upward speed of 40. The crusher will be silent and will not damage the player.

script "startCrusher7" OPEN
    Generic_Crusher(7, 30, 40, 1, 0);