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168:Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, dist, speed, damage [, crushmode])

  • tag: Tag of affected sector
  • dist: Lowest height above the floor during movement
  • speed: How quickly the ceiling moves
  • crush: Amount of damage to apply
  • crushmode: Sets the crushing mode


Lowers and raises the ceiling of the affected sectors continually, applying crushing damage to anything underneath it. If tag is 0, then the sector on the line's back side is used. The ceiling rises and lowers at the same speed, a behavior different from Ceiling_CrushAndRaise (which is why a dist parameter couldn't simply be added to that one).

Contrarily to other crushing specials, this crusher will stop before reaching the floor, making it possible to have crushers that affect tall actors but not shorter ones.


This replicates accurately Doom's linetype 49:

Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 10)

This replicates accurately Strife's linetype 49:

Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 0, 2)

Conversions from linedef types

The following Doom map format types can be converted as Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist:

Type Conversion Trigger
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 6:W1 Start Crusher, Fast Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 16, 10) Player Cross
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 6:W1 Start Crusher, Very Fast Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 32, 10) Player Cross
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 25:W1 Start Crusher, Slow Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 10) Player Cross
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 25:W1 Ceiling To 8 Above Floor Continually Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 0) Player Cross
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 49:S1 Start Crusher, Slow Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 10) Player Use
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 49:S1 Ceiling To 8 Above Floor Continually Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 0, 2) Player Use
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 73:WR Start Crusher, Slow Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 10) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 73:WR Start Crusher, Slow Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 0) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 77:WR Start Crusher, Fast Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 16, 10) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 77:WR Start Crusher, Very Fast Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 32, 10) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniBoomLogoIcon.pngBoom 164:S1 Start Crusher, Fast Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 16, 10) Player Use
MiniBoomLogoIcon.pngBoom 183:SR Start Crusher, Fast Damage Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 16, 10) Player Use, Repeatable
MiniBoomLogoIcon.pngBoom 184:SR Start Crusher Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist (tag, 8, 8, 10) Player Use, Repeatable