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11:Door_Open (tag, speed, lighttag)

  • tag: Tag of affected sector
  • speed: How quickly the door opens
  • lighttag: Tag of sector to perform a gradual lighting effect in

Raises the ceiling of all affected sectors to four units below the lowest surrounding ceiling. If tag is 0, then the sector on the line's back side is used.

If lighttag is non-zero a gradual lighting effect is done in the tagged sectors. The light is gradually changed between the darkest neighboring sector when the door is fully closed and the brightest neighboring sector when the door is fully open.

Conversions from linedef types

The following Doom map format types can be converted as Door_Open:

Type Conversion Trigger
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 2: W1 Door Stay Open Door_Open (tag, 16) Player Cross
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 31: D1 Door Stay Open Door_Open (0, 16, tag) Player Use
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 31: D1 Door Stay Open Door_Open (0, 16, tag) Player Use, Monsters Activate
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 46: GR Door Stay Open Door_Open (tag, 16) Attack Hit, Missile Cross, Monsters Activate, Repeatable
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 61: SR Door Stay Open Door_Open (tag, 16) Player Use, Repeatable
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 86: WR Door Stay Open Door_Open (tag, 16) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 103: S1 Door Stay Open Door_Open (tag, 16) Player Use
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 106: WR Door Stay Open Fast Door_Open (tag, 64) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 109: W1 Door Stay Open Fast Door_Open (tag, 64) Player Cross
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 112: S1 Door Stay Open Fast Door_Open (tag, 64) Player Use
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 115: SR Door Stay Open Fast Door_Open (tag, 64) Player Use, Repeatable
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 118: D1 Door Stay Open Fast Door_Open (0, 64, tag) Player Use