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Decoration objects that can be destroyed. May have special effects when destroyed, such as spawning an actor, opening a new area, activating a script, or at least simply not being an obstacle anymore. Objects that deal damage when destroyed, such as the explosive barrels from Doom, are instead in the Hazard category.

Categories by type

  • Key: For opening locked doors.
  • Light sources: A type of decoration that is supposed to emit light.
  • Map spot: Invisible things that achieve certain special effects.
  • Monster: Enemies and allies that aren't controlled by a player.
  • Player: Enemies and allies that are controlled by a player.
  • Powerup: Items (other than health or armor) that are used on pickup.
  • Power: Effects and abilities gained by using an artifact or powerup.
  • Puzzle item: In practice, a type of key that is lost when used.
  • Quest item: An item that must be in the inventory to progress in Strife quests.
  • Script thing: For scripting actors and points of view.
  • Token: An hidden item placed in the inventory to help the engine keep track of things.
  • SFX: Special effects such as projectile trails, sparks, dripping water and so on.
  • Vegetation: Trees, mushrooms, mosses and lichens.
  • Weapon: What can go in a player's arsenal.