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44:Ceiling_CrushStop (tag [, remove])

  • tag: Tag of affected sector
  • remove: Whether to reset or keep the state of the crusher (see below)


Stops a crushing ceiling.

This special works on Ceiling_CrushAndRaise, Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA and Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA. However, once the ceiling is stopped after one of these specials, using a special to make it crush again will resume the type of crushing it was doing previously, provided that the crusher's state has been preserved. The latter is controlled by the second argument (remove), which can take the following values:

  • 0 (default): keep the state except in Hexen.
  • 1: always keep the state.
  • 2: always reset the state. Equivalent to calling Ceiling_Stop.

Note that if the state of the crusher is preserved, attempting to use another special to lower or raise the ceiling will not work.


Nuvolachalk.png Note: This article lists no examples. If you make use of this feature in your own project(s) or know of any basic examples that could be shared, please add them. This will make it easier to understand for future authors seeking assistance. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Conversions from linedef types

The following Doom map format types can be converted as Ceiling_CrushStop:

Type Conversion Trigger
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 57:W1 Stop Crusher Ceiling_CrushStop(tag) Player Cross
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 57:W1 Stop Crusher Ceiling_CrushStop(tag) Player Cross
MiniDoomLogoIcon.pngDoom 74:WR Stop Crusher Ceiling_CrushStop(tag) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniStrifeLogoIcon.pngStrife 74:WR Stop Crusher Ceiling_CrushStop(tag) Player Cross, Repeatable
MiniBoomLogoIcon.pngBoom 168:S1 Stop Crusher Ceiling_CrushStop(tag) Player Use
MiniBoomLogoIcon.pngBoom 188:SR Stop Crusher Ceiling_CrushStop(tag) Player Use, Repeatable