MAPINFO/Editor number definition

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An editor number definition begins with the keyword “DoomEdNums”, followed by a list of actor names and their assigned editor numbers. Optionally, an action special and or arguments can also be assigned to the actor class, as well. The syntax is as follows:

    <number> = <class> [, noskillflags] [, special] [, arg0 [, arg1 [, arg2 [, arg3 [, arg4]]]]]

Editor number assignments through this method are overridden by the DECORATE one. An actor's special and arguments cannot be overridden through the editor if said actor class has been assigned a special and arguments through this method. Actors can be assigned multiple editor numbers, and already-assigned editor numbers can be mapped to nothing by passing None instead of an actor class name. They can also be mapped to other actors. If noskillflags is specified, the engine ignores the actor's map-set difficulty setting filters and spawns it regardless.

Actors created in ZScript can only be assigned editor numbers through this method.


In this example, actor MarblePillar is given editor number 11001; actor GreenCard is given 11002 and Autosave action special; actor IceDemon is given 11004 and Thing_Spawn action special with its first three arguments set to some values; and lastly, actor GooFountain is given 11023 as its editor number, with its first argument set to 32 and no action special.

    11001 = MarblePillar
    11002 = GreenCard, Autosave
    11004 = IceDemon, Thing_Spawn, 0, 25, 0
    11023 = GooFountain, 32

This example removes all map-placed archviles, former commandos and revenants from the game. This is done by mapping their editor numbers to None.

    64 = None
    65 = None
    66 = None

This one replaces all map-placed health bonus and armor bonus items with soul spheres and combat armors, respectively, by remapping the former items' editor numbers to the latter items.

    2014 = Soulsphere
    2015 = BlueArmor