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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.

VisualThinker is a class dedicated to rendering special effects that can be used en masse. They serve as a middle ground between particles and Actors with notable differences.

Aside from Actors, VisualThinkers are the only Thinker class that have rendering associated with them.


VisualThinkers share almost all the rendering features Actors do, including scaling, rolling, and billboarding/flipping options (XY or Y). They also support semi-stencil coloring without needing to be set to a stencil renderstyle that's adjustable on the fly.

Like particles, they perform no collisions or physics at all, allowing for them to be used en masse. They are not bound to a limit and do not take up particle slots and last until Destroy() is called.


  • Cannot be created with new like other Thinkers due to being abstract. A custom inheriting class must be made first.
  • VisualThinkers use the mutually exclusive STAT_VISUALTHINKER stat and cannot be changed for performance reasons.
  • Likewise, all other thinker types are forbidden from being assigned to STAT_VISUALTHINKER.
  • Models, states, and Default {} blocks are not supported. Control will primarily be done via overriding Tick().
  • Does not perform sprite changing based on angle to the thinker on its own. Meaning that sprites with multiple rotations (POSSA0) don't change based on angle. This is due to supplying a direct image lump instead of a sprite and angle.


The most basic spawning function called from the global level variable. The class must inherit from VisualThinker and must not be VisualThinker itself.


  • static VisualThinker Spawn(Class<VisualThinker> type, TextureID tex, Vector3 pos, Vector3 vel = (0,0,0), double alpha = 1.0, int flags = 0, double roll = 0.0, Vector2 scale = (1,1), Vector2 offset = (0,0), int style = STYLE_Normal, TranslationID trans = 0, int VisualThinkerFlags = 0)
Calls level.SpawnVisualThinker(type) if a level is present. Parameters are as follows:
  • Class<VisualThinker> type: Name of the VisualThinker child class to spawn.
  • TextureID tex: The TextureID of the graphic to use.
  • Vector3 pos: Absolute position coordinates to spawn at.
  • Vector3 vel: Absolute velocity given to the class upon spawning.
  • double alpha: Defines opacity. 1.0 is fully visible/opaque, 0.0 is invisible. Default is 1.0.
  • int flags: See the flags variable below. Default is 0.
  • double roll: The sprite will start with this much roll applied. Default is 0.
  • Vector2 scale: Sets the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) scale. Scaling is treated exactly the same as Actor's. Default is (1,1).
  • Vector2 offset: Offsets the sprite similar to Actor's SpriteOffset field. Positive X/Y values offset to the left/up respectively, vice versa for negative. Default is (0,0).
  • int style: Renderstyle. Default is STYLE_Normal.
  • int VisualThinkerFlags: (Need more info)
  • void SetTranslation (Name trans)
Sets the thinker's color translation as defined in the TRNSLATE lump. Works similar to the Actor's A_SetTranslation.
  • void SetRenderStyle (int mode)
Sets the thinker's Renderstyle. Works similar to the Actor's A_SetRenderStyle.
  • bool IsFrozen()
Returns true if the map is frozen and the sprite doesn't have SPF_NOTIMEFREEZE.
Updates sector data on the thinker (The current sector and subsector it's in), this function is exposed so that it can still be called in a thinker that totally overrides Tick(). Only necessary to call if the thinker moves at all. Keep in mind prev will need to be updated as well if Super.Tick() is not called, since this function does not handle interpolation.
Updates sprite info (The render style and the handling for locally animated graphics). This function is exposed so that it can still be called in a thinker that totally overrides Tick(). Or to be called for visual thinkers every time texture is changed. If the texture becomes an animation played by ANIMDEFS, no calls after the initial texture change are necessary as texture itself remains the same during the animations.


Called after BeginPlay and before the first call to Tick. This is done before the very first state of an actor is ever reached, useful for performing one-time setups like giving local variables a value, without worrying about a monster being dormant at the start and going to Deactivate instead of Spawn.
Called every tic, 35 times a second. As the name implies, this is what makes an entity 'tick', or operate on its own.


The following variables are available for modification.

  • TextureID Texture
The image to render out. This must be valid at all times, or the thinker will be destroyed.
  • Color scolor
Stencil coloring that is applied constantly on all render styles, allowing for unique colorizing effects. Default is white ("FFFFFF" in hexadecimal).
  • TranslationID Translation
Equivalent to Actor's Translation. Changing this should primarily be done with SetTranslation() above, but transference can be done with simple assignments.
  • Sector cursector
The current sector this sprite is in.
WARNING: Can be null. Always perform a null check when using this variable.
  • Vector3 pos
World position of the sprite.
  • Vector3 prev
Previous position of the sprite, used for interpolating between the last position it was at during the previous tick.
  • Vector3 vel
Velocity of the sprite.
  • Vector2 scale
Scale of the sprite. Scaling is identical to Actor's.
  • Vector2 offset
The offset of the sprite, identical to Actor's SpriteOffset variable. Positive X/Y offsets the sprite left/up respectively, and vice versa for negative values.
  • double alpha
Opacity of the sprite. 1.0 is fully opaque, 0.0 is invisible.
  • int16 LightLevel
Same variable as Actor's LightLevel. Defaults to -1, meaning use the sector's light. Any other number between [0, 255] overrides the sector's brightness.
  • uint16 Flags
These are the same as A_SpawnParticleEx. Multiple flags can be combined with |:
  • SPF_FULLBRIGHT — Makes the particle full bright.
  • SPF_NOTIMEFREEZE — The spawned particle is not affected by the time freeze powerup or cheat.
  • SPF_ROLL - The particle is allowed to use its' startroll, rollvel, and rollacc parameters.
  • SPF_ROLLCENTER — Rolls the particle around the center of the graphic regardless of offsets, like the ROLLCENTER actor flag. (New from 4.13.0)
  • SPF_REPLACE — If the the particle limit is reached, the oldest particles will be removed to make room for particles with SPF_REPLACE.
  • SPF_NO_XY_BILLBOARD - The particle does not have any sort of billboarding, causing it to render similarly to normal actor sprites, instead of facing the players' view at all times.
  • SPF_LOCAL_ANIM — Spawns an animated particle whose animation runs independently of the games' timer. This means the graphics can be animated at different times, and that pausing the game also stops them from running.
  • SPF_NEGATIVE_FADESTEP — Forces negative fadestep to be interpreted literally, causing the particle to fade in (for example, with this flag a fadestep of -0.1 will cause the particle's alpha to increase by 0.1 every tic). Without this flag, any negative fadestep value will cause the particle to gradually fade out over its lifetime. (New from 4.13.0)
  • SPF_FACECAMERA — Makes the particle graphic face the camera. Like the BILLBOARDFACECAMERA actor flag. (New from 4.13.0)
  • SPF_NOFACECAMERA — Makes the particle graphic face the opposite direction the camera. Like the BILLBOARDNOFACECAMERA actor flag. (New from 4.13.0)
  • SPF_STRETCHPIXELS — Rolling particle graphics will not ignore aspect ratio correction and continue to appear stretched. (New from 4.13.1)
  • SPF_RELPOS — Position is relative to angle.
  • SPF_RELVEL — Velocity is relative to angle.
  • SPF_RELACCEL — Acceleration is relative to angle.
  • SPF_RELANG — Adds the calling actor's angle to angle for relativity.

The SPF_RELPOS, SPF_RELVEL, SPF_RELACCEL SPF_RELANG, SPF_NEGATIVE_FADESTEP flags do nothing on their own. (But could be used for custom VisualThinkers)

  • int VisualThinkerFlags (New from 4.14.0)
This field stores all the flags that visual thinkers have available, these flags can be accessed with the bFlagName syntax that actor also use, i.e VTF_ADDLIGHTLEVEL can be accessed as bAddLightLevel.
  • FLIPOFFSETX — Flips the thinkers' texture on the X axis. Without changing the offsets of the graphic.
  • FLIPOFFSETY — Ditto, but for the Y axis.
  • XFLIP — Flips the sprite on the X axis.
  • YFLIP — Flips the sprite on the Y axis.
  • DONTINTERPOLATE — Disables interpolation for movement and roll changes over each tick.
  • ADDLIGHTLEVEL — LightLevel adds the sector's brightness to its own instead of overriding completely.

ZScript definition

Note: The ZScript definition below is for reference and may be different in the current version of GZDoom.The most up-to-date version of this code can be found on GZDoom GitHub.
Class VisualThinker : Thinker native
	native Vector3			Pos,
	native FVector3			Vel;
	native Vector2			Scale,
	native float			Roll,
	native TextureID		Texture;
	native TranslationID	Translation;
	native int16			LightLevel;
	native uint16			Flags;
	native int				VisualThinkerFlags;
    FlagDef                 FlipOffsetX :       VisualThinkerFlags, 0;
    FlagDef                 FlipOffsetY :       VisualThinkerFlags, 1;
    FlagDef                 XFlip :             VisualThinkerFlags, 2;
    FlagDef                 YFlip :             VisualThinkerFlags, 3;
    FlagDef                 DontInterpolate :   VisualThinkerFlags, 4;
    FlagDef                 AddLightLevel :     VisualThinkerFlags, 5;

	native Color			scolor;

	native Sector			CurSector; // can be null!

	native void SetTranslation(Name trans);
	native void SetRenderStyle(int mode); // see ERenderStyle
	native bool IsFrozen();

	static VisualThinker Spawn(Class<VisualThinker> type, TextureID tex, Vector3 pos, Vector3 vel, double alpha = 1.0, int flags = 0,
						  double roll = 0.0, Vector2 scale = (1,1), Vector2 offset = (0,0), int style = STYLE_Normal, TranslationID trans = 0, int VisualThinkerFlags = 0)
		if (!Level)	return null;

		let p = level.SpawnVisualThinker(type);
		if (p)
			p.Texture = tex;
			p.Pos = pos;
			p.Vel = vel;
			p.Alpha = alpha;
			p.Roll = roll;
			p.Scale = scale;
			p.Offset = offset;
			p.Translation = trans;
			p.Flags = flags;
            p.VisualThinkerFlags = VisualThinkerFlags;
		return p;


Class emit : Actor
	TextureID tex;
		Scale 0.25;
	override void PostBeginPlay()
		tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture("MISLB0");
		MISL A 1;
		MISL A 1
			angle = random(0,359);
			pitch = random(-90,90);
			Vel3DFromAngle(random(2,6), angle, pitch);
			let p = Level.SpawnVisualThinker("ZRocketBoom");
			if (p)
				p.Texture = tex;
				p.pos = pos;
				p.vel = vel;
				p.scolor = "FF0000";
				p.roll = random(0,359);
				p.alpha = 1.0;
				p.Scale = (1,1);
			vel = (0,0,0);

Class ZRocketBoom : VisualThinker
	double	RollVel;
	override void PostBeginPlay()
		RollVel = frandom(-10.0, 10.0);
		Alpha = 1.0;
	override void Tick()
		if (bDESTROYED || IsFrozen())
		Roll += RollVel;
		Alpha -= 0.05;
		if (Alpha <= 0.0)


Class spri : Actor
		Scale 0.25;
	Array<VisualThinker> spr;
	TextureID tex;
	void Make(double ox, double oy, double sc = 1.0)
		VisualThinker p = Level.SpawnVisualThinker('testoff');
		if (p)
			p.texture = tex;
			p.pos = pos;
			p.vel = vel;
			p.Scale = Scale;
			p.roll = random(0,359);
			p.Offset = (ox, oy) * sc;
	override void PostBeginPlay()
		tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture("MISLB0");
		double sc = 10.0;
		for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
		//	Make(-i,0,sc);
		//	Make(0,-i,sc);
	override void OnDestroy()
		foreach (p : spr)
			if (p) p.Destroy();

Class testoff : VisualThinker
	double RollVel;
	override void PostBeginPlay()
		RollVel = frandom(-10.0, 10.0);
	override void Tick()
		Roll += RollVel;

A more elaborate example for using local animations and total tick overrides is as follows. This involves using TEXTURES and ANIMDEFS as well. First, the ZScript code. The following thinker acts as an explosion manager using the custom spawning function SpawnMY().

enum MyAnims

Class MyThinker : VisualThinker
	static MyThinker SpawnMY(MyAnims type, Vector3 pos)
		let df = MyThinker(level.SpawnVisualThinker('MyThinker'));
		if (df)
			df.pos = pos;
		return df;

	int tics;
	override void PostBeginPlay()
		Prev = Pos;
		tics = 35 * 6;

	override void Tick()
		if (bDESTROYED || IsFrozen()) return;
		Prev = Pos; // Bookkeeping needed here since Super.Tick() is NOT called.
		Pos += Vel;
		if (Prev != Pos)
			UpdateSector(); // The position has changed, so calling this is needed.
		// Note how there is no UpdateSpriteInfo() because it's not needed with ANIMDEFS animations - only to set it.
		// That's handled in the custom function below. Keep in mind the 'texture' var doesn't change when playing animations.
		if (tics-- < 1)
	void SetAnimation(MyAnims type)
		Switch (type)
			String tex = "";
			Case MY_MORTAR:
				tex = "Graphics/Projectiles/MortarLauncher/Explosion1.png"; 
				Scale *= 1.5;
				Offset.Y = 4;
			Case MY_FUSION:
			{	tex = "Graphics/Projectiles/FusionCutter/Explosion1.png"; break;	}
				tex = "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion1.png"; 
				Scale *= 2.0;
			Case MY_PLASMA:
			{	tex = "Graphics/Projectiles/AssaultCannon/PExplosion1.png"; break;	}
			Case MY_ROCKET:
			{	tex = "Graphics/Projectiles/AssaultCannon/MExplosion1.png"; break;	}
			Case MY_MINE:
			{	tex = "Graphics/Projectiles/Claymore/Explosion1.png"; break;	}
			{	Destroy();	return;	}
		Flags |= SPF_LOCAL_ANIM;
		Texture = TexMan.CheckForTexture(tex);
		tics = 35 * 5;

In TEXTURES lump, define an empty graphic like this so it can be used in ANIMDEFS:

Graphic Optional DFEMPTY, 1, 1 {}

And finally in ANIMDEFS, we have all the graphics that are in their respective folders (which also grants the boon of not needing to name according to the usual sprite convention). The DFEMPTY image defined above is there to ensure the animation is empty, so durations can be tweaked without needing to adjust the expiration timer in the thinker.

texture "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion1.png"
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion1.png" rand 1 2
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion2.png" rand 2 3
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion3.png" rand 3 3 
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion4.png" rand 3 4
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion5.png" rand 3 4
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion6.png" rand 4 4
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion7.png" rand 4 5
pic "Graphics/Projectiles/ConcussionRifle/Explosion8.png" rand 4 5
pic DFEMPTY tics 3500

See also