Knowledge Base - Quickly Adjusting Sector Heights in WadAuthor
Quickly Adjusting Sector Heights in WadAuthor
![Adjusting Sector Heights](sectorchange.png)
WadAuthor has the ability to quickly adjust sector heights by using an offset command as illustrated in Figure 1. By entering a ++ Value, WadAuthor will add the value to the existing sector heights and the resultant new value will become the sector height. By entering a -- Value, WadAuthor will subtract the value to the existing sector heights and the resultant new value will become the sector height.
In Figure 1, the existing sector values are Floor 0 and Ceiling 128. The new values will be Floor 128 and Ceiling 256.
This is very handy when cutting and pasting sectors. WadAuthor can load multiple maps at one time and has the ability to cut and paste between maps (or the same map).
This makes WadAuthor very handy at reusing map sections or using prefabs. Simply copy the section or prefab and paste it into your working map. Select all the sectors in the section or prefab and add or subtract the proper offset to make the new section fit in with the surrounding areas of the map.