TakeInventory (Actor)

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Note: This page is for ZScript. For the ACS page of the same name see TakeInventory.


bool TakeInventory(class<Inventory> itemclass, int amount, bool fromdecorate = false, bool notakeinfinite = false)


A ZScript-only variant of A_TakeInventory. Takes the specified amount of the specified Inventory class from the calling actor's inventory.


  • class<Inventory> itemclass
The name of the Inventory item class that should be taken.
  • int amount
The amount of the specified item to take.
  • bool fromdecorate
If this is false, the notakeinfinite check is skipped. The item's amount is reduced, DepleteOrDestroy is called if it reached 0, and the function unconditionally returns false.
  • bool notakeinfinite
If this is true AND fromdecorate is true, the item will not be taken if itemclass is an Ammo class and the user either has a PowerInfiniteAmmo-based powerup, or the sv_infiniteammo cheat is enabled.

Return values

  • bool — The function may return true or false depending on the result:
  • If the fromdecorate argument is false, the function always returns false.
  • Otherwise, if the notakeinfinite argument is true, itemclass is an Ammo class, and the caller has PowerInfiniteAmmo or uses the sv_infiniteammo cheat, the function returns false.
  • Otherwise, if after the TakeInventory call the caller still has some amount of itemclass' left, the function returns true; if caller has none left, it returns false.

ZScript definition

Note: The ZScript definition below is for reference and may be different in the current version of GZDoom.The most up-to-date version of this code can be found on GZDoom GitHub.

	bool TakeInventory(class<Inventory> itemclass, int amount, bool fromdecorate = false, bool notakeinfinite = false)
		amount = abs(amount);
		let item = FindInventory(itemclass);

		if (item == NULL)
			return false;

		if (!fromdecorate)
			item.Amount -= amount;
			if (item.Amount <= 0)
			// It won't be used in non-decorate context, so return false here
			return false;

		bool result = false;
		if (item.Amount > 0)
			result = true;

		// Do not take ammo if the "no take infinite/take as ammo depletion" flag is set
		// and infinite ammo is on
		if (notakeinfinite &&
		(sv_infiniteammo || (player && FindInventory('PowerInfiniteAmmo', true))) && (item is 'Ammo'))
			// Nothing to do here, except maybe res = false;? Would it make sense?
			result = false;
		else if (!amount || amount >= item.Amount)
		else item.Amount -= amount;

		return result;


Nuvolachalk.png Note: This article lists no examples. If you make use of this feature in your own project(s) or know of any basic examples that could be shared, please add them. This will make it easier to understand for future authors seeking assistance. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

See also