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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.

Service is a ZScript interface for cross-mod communication. Service can be used when two mods need to be compatible with each other, but there is no way for them to exchange information without adding hard dependencies.

ServiceIterator class is used to find and iterate over services.

Service Methods

NOTE: These versions have been deprecated in favor of more robust and expanded versions described below.

  • virtual string GetString (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
  • virtual int GetInt (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
  • virtual double GetDouble (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
  • virtual ObjectGetObject (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
Requests information from a service in[Object scopes and versions|play scope.
  • virtual string GetStringUI (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
  • virtual int GetIntUI (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
  • virtual double GetDoubleUI (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
  • virtual ObjectGetObjectUI (String request, String stringarg = "", int intArg = 0, double doubleArg = 0.0, Object objectArg = null)
Requests information from a service in UI scope.


All of the function above utilize the same list of arguments:

  • String request
String request to be read by the Service class.
  • int stringArg
String argument. Defaults to "".
  • int intArg
Integer argument. Defaults to 0.
  • double doubleArg
Double argument. Defaults to 0.0.
  • Object objectArg
Object argument. Defaults to null.


The different return functions allow for separation of functionality so modders can retrieve different results based on type. This also helps prevent string translation errors such as mistakenly interpreting a letter for a number. Translating/breaking strings into numbers or separating them into different pieces often may be detrimental to performance.

In addition, custom Service classes can use these to construct custom functions and allow passing in the arguments in sets based on specification by modders who build them.

For example, one could set up the function(s) to read request, take objectArg and then store it in a variable. This allows for direct variable control, grants maximum flexibility so casting Service to a specific type isn't required and prevents dependencies.

ServiceIterator Methods

  • ServiceIterator Find (String serviceName)
Creates an iterator for all services with class name containing serviceName. Use Next to get services.
  • Service Next ()
Gets the service and advances the iterator. Returns NULL if no more services are found.

Example Situation

  • RealWeapons is a weapon mod which provides sophisticated ammo management. Ammo counts for RealWeapons weapons are not stored as inventory items, but are calculated by method in RealWeapons weapon classes.
  • AmmoWidget is a generic ammo display widget.

Now, AmmoWidget wants to display ammo for RealWeapons. To access RealWeapons ammo counts, AmmoWidget would need to get weapons in player inventory, cast them to RealWeapons classes, and access methods that calculate ammo counts. This would create hard dependency on RealWeapons in AmmoWidget, which would mean that AmmoWidget will not load without RealWeapons.

One solution to this problem would be to create a patch for AmmoWidget, AmmoWidgetForReal, which would know about RealWeapons classes and pass the counts to AmmoWidget. Having a patch is inconvenient both to mod maintainers and to users.

So, Service can help here. RealWeapons defines a Service, RealAmmoCountService, which takes weapon class name and returns ammo count for it (if it exists in player inventory). AmmoWidget creates a ServiceIterator for AmmoCountService, which will find RealAmmoCountService if RealWeapons is loaded, and will find nothing if it's not. AmmoWidget iterates over Services it found and polls them for ammo counts. Thus, AmmoWidget gets information from RealWeapons without knowing anything about how RealWeapons ammo counts are stored.

The code for this situation will be something like this:

// RealWeapons
class rw_Weapon : Pistol abstract
  abstract int GetBullets();

class rw_Pistol : rw_Weapon replaces Pistol
  override int GetBullets() { return 9; }

class rw_Revolver : rw_Weapon replaces Shotgun
  override int GetBullets() { return 6; }

class rw_AmmoCountService : Service
  // Returns ammo count from internal RealWeapons class as a string.
  override string Get(string className)
    PlayerPawn player = players[consolePlayer].mo;
    if (player == NULL) return "";
    let aWeapon = rw_Weapon(player.FindInventory(className));
    if (aWeapon == NULL) return "";

    return String.Format("%d", aWeapon.getBullets());
// AmmoWidget
class aw_EventHandler
  // Is called once, on AmmoWidget initialization.
  private void FindAmmoServices()
    let i = ServiceIterator.Find("AmmoCountService");
    Service ammoCountService;
    while (ammoCountService = i.Next())

  // Checks all weapons in player inventory.
  // For each weapon, try to get ammo count from external services.
  // If no such service found, print generic ammo count.
  private void PrintAmmo()
    PlayerPawn player = players[consolePlayer].mo;
    for (Inventory inv = player.Inv; inv; inv = inv.Inv)
      let aWeapon = Weapon(inv);
      if (aWeapon == NULL) continue;
      for (uint i = 0; i < mAmmoServices.size(); ++i)
        string response = mAmmoServices[i].Get(aWeapon.GetClassName());
        if (response.length() == 0) continue;
        console.printf("%s ammo: %d", aWeapon.GetTag(), response.ToInt());
      console.printf("%s ammo: %d", aWeapon.GetTag(), player.CountInv(aWeapon.AmmoType1));

  private Array<Service> mAmmoServices;

See also