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LoadSaveMenu is a subclass of ListMenu and is the basis for creating both the save and load game menus. It uses a special SavegameManager API in order to access and write to save data. This menu only needs to be inherited from if you want ZDoom-styled save and load menus. The SavegameManager is independent of this class so entirely custom ones can be created in their place.


  • SavegameManager manager - Contains the API for accessing and manipulating save data
  • int TopItem - The index of the save file that's at the visible top of the list
  • int Selected - The index of the currently selected save file
  • int savepicLeft The leftmost bound of the box for drawing the save file picture
  • int savepicTop The upper bound of the box for drawing the save file picture
  • int savepicWidth The width of the box for drawing the save file picture
  • int savepicHeight The height of the box for drawing the save file picture
  • int rowHeight - How tall each row in the save list is measured in pixels
  • int listboxLeft - The leftmost bound of the box for the save list
  • int listboxRight - The rightmost bound of the box for the save list
  • int listboxTop - The upper bound of the box for the save list
  • int listboxWidth - The width of the box for the save list
  • int listboxHeight - The height of the box for the save list
  • int listboxRows - The number of rows in the save list
  • int commentLeft - The leftmost bound of the box for the save file text
  • int commentTop - The upper bound of the box for the save file text
  • int commentWidth - The width of the box for the save file text
  • int commentHeight - The height of the box for the save file text
  • int commentRows - The number of rows in the save file text box
  • bool mEntering - If set to true, the user is currently inputting a name for the file
  • TextEnterMenu mInput - If not null, this is the menu that is currently letting the player input text for the file's name
  • double FontScale - The current scalar for all text being drawn in the menu
  • BrokenLines BrokenSaveComment - Contains the SavegameManager's SaveCommentString text broken down into multiple lines so it fits within the save file text box



  • void DrawFrame(int left, int top, int width, int height)


  • void Init(Menu parent, ListMenuDescriptor desc)
  • void OnDestroy()
  • bool OnUIEvent(UIEvent ev)
  • bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
  • bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
  • void Drawer()


  • private void SetWindows()
  • void UpdateSaveComment()

Save Manager

SavegameManager is a struct that contains the API for accessing save files alongside data about the currently selected node. All save game manipulation and handling is done through this API.


  • int WindowSize - Does nothing by default
  • SaveGameNode quickSaveSlot - The current save file that gets quick saved to
  • readonly string SaveCommentString - Contains either the description or drive location for the save file based on whether ExtractSaveData() or SetFileInfo() is used respectively

Static Methods

  • SavegameManager GetManager()
Gets the global SavegameManager. Despite being a struct this needs to be used to properly set it.

Non-static Methods

  • void ReadSaveStrings()
Loads all the save files into memory so they can be accessed by the API
  • void UnloadSaveData()
Clears all the manager's data pertaining to the currently selected save file e.g. the comment string
  • int RemoveSaveSlot(int index)
Deletes the save file at the given index and loads in the next available save file. Returns the index of the newly selected save file
  • index - The save file to delete
  • void LoadSavegame(int Selected)
Loads the given save file at the index
  • Selected - The save file to load
  • void DoSave(int Selected, string savegamestring)
Saves the game with the given save file at the index.
  • Selected - The save file to save to
  • savegamestring - The name of the save file to use
  • int ExtractSaveData(int index)
Gets the data for the given save file at the index e.g. the comment string. Returns the index of the newly loaded save file
  • index - The save file to load. If -1 is passed, gets the last accessed save file
  • void ClearSaveStuff()
Similar to UnloadSaveData() but also clears quickSaveSlot
  • bool DrawSavePic(int x, int y, int w, int h)
Draws the currently loaded save file's picture if it has one. Returns true if it had one
  • x - The x position on the screen
  • y - The y position on the screen
  • w - The width to use for the image
  • h - The height to use for the image
  • void SetFileInfo(int Selected)
Sets SaveCommentString to a formatted string that contains the drive location for the save file at the given index
  • Selected - The save file to reference
  • int SavegameCount()
Returns the total number of save files
  • SaveGameNode GetSavegame(int i)
Returns the save file at the given index
  • i - The save file to get
  • void InsertNewSaveNode()
Inserts a default save node at the beginning of the list. Used to make sure the beginning of the list is always a new save slot. Generally called when the menu is opened
  • bool RemoveNewSaveNode()
Removes the default save node at the beginning of the list. Generally called when the menu is closed so that the node isn't stored. Returns false if the beginning of the list was not the default save node

Save Nodes

SaveGameNode is a struct that contains information about a save file.


  • string SaveTitle - The name of the save file
  • readonly string FileName - The full name of the file in the drive
  • bool bOldVersion - If set to true, the save file was an older version of ZDoom and is not compatible.
  • bool bMissingWads - If set to true, the save file is missing WADs it was saved with
  • bool bNoDelete - If set to true, this save file cannot be removed