ListMenus are a subclass of Menu that are used as a core interface for MENUDEF. They present the user with a list of basic options, some of which are selectable. They don't offer any way to modify CVars and, if that's desired, an option menu should be used instead. Most general menus such as the main menu inherit from this class.
- ListMenuDescriptor mDesc - The menu descriptor for this menu. Contains important information such as what labels are in it
- MenuItemBase mFocusControl - Tracks which option is the current focus of the menu
- void Init(Menu parent = null, ListMenuDescriptor desc = null)
- bool OnUIEvent(UIEvent ev)
- bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
- bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
- void Ticker()
- void Drawer()
- void SetFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
- void CheckFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
- void ReleaseFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
- ListMenuItem GetItem(Name name)
- void ChangeLineSpacing(int newspace)
List Menu Descriptors
is a subclass of MenuDescriptor and stores all the information about the items that exist within the list menu as specified by the MENUDEF file.
- Array<ListMenuItem> mItems - The list of all items that exist in the list menu, selectable or not.
- int mSelectedItem - The index of the currently selected item in the menu
- double mSelectOfsX - The x offset to give to the selector next to the selected item
- double mSelectOfsY - The y offset to give to the selector next to the selected item
- TextureID mSelector - The texture to use for the selector
- int mDisplayTop - Does nothing by default
- double mXpos - Stores the current x offset of the menu
- double mYpos - Stores the current y offset of the menu
- int mWLeft - Defines the lefthand x coordinate the mouse must be within as defined by the
term in MENUDEF - int mWRight - Defines the righthand x coordinate the mouse must be within as defined by the
term in MENUDEF - int mLinespacing - The vertical height of each label in pixels
- int mAutoselect - The index of the item that's automatically activated when the menu is opened (-1 if not set)
- Font mFont - The Font to use for drawing text
- int mFontColor - The Font translation to use when drawing text
- int mFontColor2 - The Font translation to use when drawing text of a selected item
- bool mCenter - If true, the menu is centered as set by the
term in MENUDEF. This is only used in the menu's Init() - bool mAnimatedTransition - If set to true, the menu supports animated transitions. This is only used in the menu's Init()
- bool mAnimated - If set to true, the menu is animated and should be interpolated. This is only used in the menu's Init()
- int mVirtWidth - The virtual width to use when drawing
- int mVirtHeight - The virtual height to use when drawing
- If set to ListMenuDescriptor.OptCleanScale, this will return ListMenuDescriptor.CleanScale if m_cleanscale is set to true, otherwise returning 320 for the width and 200 for the height
Non-static Methods
- void Reset()
- int DisplayWidth()
- int DisplayHeight()
List Menu Items
is a subclass of MenuItemBase and is the core class for adding items to list menus. If you plan on adding any custom list types to use with MENUDEF, they must inherit from this class.
Virtual Methods
- void DrawSelector(double xofs, double yofs, TextureID tex, ListMenuDescriptor desc = null)
- void Draw(bool selected, ListMenuDescriptor desc)
Non-static Methods
- protected void DrawText(ListMenuDescriptor desc, Font fnt, int color, double x, double y, string text, bool ontop = false)
- protected void DrawTexture(ListMenuDescriptor desc, TextureID tex, double x, double y, bool ontop = false)
Derived Classes
Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with ListMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for lists.
- StaticPatch
- StaticPatchCentered
- StaticText
- StaticTextCentered
- CaptionItem
Selectable List Items
is the ListMenuItem subclass that acts as a base for all selectable labels. This should be used if you want something similar to the TextItem specifier in MENUDEF.
- int mHotkey - The character code for the keyboard shortcut assigned to selecting this label
- int mHeight - The height of the label when checking if the mouse is colliding with it vertically
- int mParam - The parameter to pass when setting the menu
Overridden Methods
- bool CheckCoordinate(int x, int y)
- bool Selectable()
- bool CheckHotkey(int c)
- bool Activate()
- bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
- Name, int GetAction()
Non-static Methods
- protected void Init(double x, double y, int height, Name childmenu, int param = -1)
Derived Classes
Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with ListMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for lists.
- TextItem
- PatchItem