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OptionMenus are a subclass of Menu that are used as a core interface for MENUDEF. They not only present the user with a list of options, but also have the ability to modify those options directly via option values. If simply displaying a list of elements is needed, a list menu should be used instead. OptionMenus are commonly used for modifying CVars and are how they should be modified. While CVars can be modified directly through code, that information is lost when closing the game. Changes made via option menus are stored across game sessions.


  • OptionMenuDescriptor mDesc - The menu descriptor for this menu. Contains important information such as what options are in it, scrolling information, etc.
  • bool CanScrollUp - If true, the top of the menu's item list is currently off screen
  • bool CanScrollDown - If true, the bottom of the menu's item list is currently off screen
  • int VisBottom - The index of the item that's currently at the visible bottom of the menu
  • OptionMenuItem mFocusControl - Tracks which option is the current focus of the menu (when being clicked on by the mouse)



  • void Init(Menu parent, OptionMenuDescriptor desc)
  • int GetIndent()
  • int DrawCaption(string title, int y, bool drawit)


  • bool OnUIEvent(UIEvent ev)
  • bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
  • bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
  • void Ticker()
  • void Drawer()
  • void SetFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
  • void CheckFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
  • void ReleaseFocus(MenuItemBase fc)


  • OptionMenuItem GetItem(Name name)
  • int FirstSelectable()

Option Values

OptionValues is a struct that acts as an API for getting option values specified in MENUDEF.

Option Value Names

There are a few hardcoded names available that will automatically fill the OptionValue with data. You should use these names if you want this data (or avoid them if not). Within your MENUDEF you do not need to specify any of its contents, only declare it.

  • Crosshairs
  • PlayerTeam
  • PlayerClass
  • PlayerColors
  • PlayerSkin
  • MidiDevices
  • AlDevices
  • AlResamplers

Static Methods

  • int GetCount(Name group)
  • string GetText(Name group, int index)
  • double GetValue(Name group, int index)
  • string GetTextValue(Name group, int index)

Option Menu Settings

FOptionMenuSettings is a struct that stores global information about option menus. This is generated and managed by ZDoom itself. It can be accessed via the OptionMenuSettings global variable.


  • int mTitleColor - The Font translation to use for drawing the title of the option menu
  • int mFontColor - The Font translation to use for drawing options that aren't selected
  • int mFontColorValue - The Font translation to use for drawing option values. The grayed-out color is an overlay automatically applied on top of this translation
  • int mFontColorMore - The Font translation to use for drawing options that open a sub-menu
  • int mFontColorHeader - The Font translation to use for drawing static text if one was specified in the MENUDEF file
  • int mFontColorHighlight - The Font translation to use if a keybind is waiting for an input
  • int mFontColorSelection - The Font translation to use for drawing options that are currently selected
  • int mLinespacing - The vertical height of each option in pixels

Option Menu Descriptors

OptionMenuDescriptor is a subclass of MenuDescriptor and stores all the information about the items that exist within the option menu as specified by the MENUDEF file.


  • Array<OptionMenuItem> mItems - The list of all items that exist in the options menu, selectable or not.
  • string mTitle - The title of the options menu
  • int mSelectedItem - The index of the currently selected item in the menu
  • int mDrawTop - The top of the menu where items start being drawn (excludes the title if visible). This exists in the CleanYFac_1 space and is used for collision checking with mouse events
  • int mScrollTop - The number of items that should be kept at the top when scrolling, selectable or not
  • int mScrollPos - The index of the item that's currently at the visible top of the menu
  • int mIndent - The current indent to apply to the menu. Based on the largest indent between all of its items
  • int mPosition - The downward offset of the menu as defined in MENUDEF. Negative values will keep the title visible while positives values will hide it
  • bool mDontDim - If true, sets the menu not to dim when open. Mainly used in Init()
  • Font mFont - The font to use when drawing the title of the menu

Non-static Methods

  • void Reset()
  • void CalcIndent()

Option Menu Items

OptionMenuItem is a subclass of MenuItemBase and is the core class for adding items to option menus. If you plan on adding any custom option types to use with MENUDEF, they must inherit from this class.


  • string mLabel - The text to display for the option. This can be a LANGUAGE key
  • bool mCentered - Whether or not the text is automatically centered instead of using standard indentation

Overridden Methods

  • bool Selectable()
  • int GetIndent()
  • bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)

Non-static Methods

  • protected void Init(string label, string command, bool center = false)
  • protected void DrawText(int x, int y, int color, string text, bool grayed = false)
  • protected int DrawLabel(int indent, int y, int color, bool grayed = false)
  • protected void DrawValue(int indent, int y, int color, string text, bool grayed = false)
  • int CursorSpace()

Derived Classes

Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with OptionMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for options.

  • Submenu
  • LabeledSubmenu
  • Command
  • SafeCommand
  • StaticText
  • StaticTextSwitchable
  • ColorPicker
  • The ColorPickerMenu menu is used here to select a color

Option Base

OptionMenuItemOptionBase is the OptionMenuItem subclass that acts as a base for all options that have an option value. This should be used if you want something similar to the Option specifier in MENUDEF.


  • int OP_VALUES = 0x11001


  • Name mValues - The name of the OptionValue in MENUDEF to refer to
  • CVar mGrayCheck - The CVar to check if an option can be grayed out (an option is considered grayed out if this is false)
  • int mCenter - If the option should be centered or not when drawn

Virtual Methods

  • int GetSelection()
  • void SetSelection(int Selection)
  • bool IsGrayed()

Overridden Methods

  • bool SetString(int i, string newtext)
  • int Draw(OptionMenuDescriptor desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
  • bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
  • bool Selectable()

Non-static Methods

  • protected void Init(string label, Name command, Name values, CVar graycheck, int center)

Derived Classes

Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with OptionMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for options.

  • Option
  • FlagOption

Control Base

OptionMenuItemControlBase is the OptionMenuItem subclass that acts as a base for all options that modify the controls. This should be used if you want something similar to the Control specifier in MENUDEF. The EnterKey menu is used here to capture the input when prompted.


  • KeyBindings mBindings - Stores all the bindings for the option
  • int mInput - The key to pass to the menu when binding one to a command. This is set via SendKey()
  • bool mWaiting - The option is currently waiting for an input

Overridden Methods

  • int Draw(OptionMenuDescriptor desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
  • bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
  • bool Activate()

Non-static Methods

  • protected void Init(string label, Name command, KeyBindings bindings)
  • void SendKey(int key)

Derived Classes

Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with OptionMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for options.

  • Control
  • MapControl

Slider Base

OptionMenuSliderBase is the OptionMenuItem subclass that acts as a base for all options that modify via sliders. This should be used if you want something similar to the Slider specifier in MENUDEF.


  • double mMin - The minimum value the slider can be
  • double mMax - The maximum value the slider can be
  • double mStep - The amount to increase/decrease by every step
  • int mShowValue - The number of decimal places to display
  • int mDrawX - The x position the slider was drawn at. This exists in the CleanXFac_1 space and is used for mouse collision detection
  • int mSliderShort - If the slider goes off the right side of the screen, this is set to true
  • CVar mGrayCheck - The CVar to check if an option can be grayed out (an option is considered grayed out if this is false)

Virtual Methods

  • double GetSliderValue()
  • void SetSliderValue(double val)
  • bool IsGrayed()

Overridden Methods

  • bool Selectable()
  • int Draw(OptionMenuDescriptor desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
  • bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
  • bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)

Non-static Methods

  • private void DrawSliderElement(int color, int x, int y, string str, bool grayed = false)
  • protected void Init(string label, double min, double max, double step, int showval, Name command = 'None', CVar graycheck = null)
  • protected void DrawSlider(int x, int y, double min, double max, double cur, int fracdigits, int indent, bool grayed = false)

Derived Classes

Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with OptionMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for options.

  • Slider
  • ScaleSlider

Field Base

OptionMenuFieldBase is the OptionMenuItem subclass that acts as a base for all options that act as an input field. This should be used if you want something similar to the TextField specifier in MENUDEF.


  • CVar mCVar - The CVar the option modifies
  • CVar mGrayCheck - The CVar to check if an option can be grayed out (an option is considered grayed out if this is false)

Virtual Methods

  • string Represent()

Overridden Methods

  • int Draw(OptionMenuDescriptor desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
  • bool, string GetString(int i)
  • bool SetString(int i, string s)
  • bool Selectable()

Non-static Methods

  • void Init(string label, Name command, CVar graycheck = null)
  • string GetCVarString()

Derived Classes

Below is a list of all of the derived classes that use this. All of them are prefixed with OptionMenuItem as this is how custom items are defined for options.

  • TextField
  • The TextEnterMenu menu is used here to capture what the user is inputting
  • NumberField