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native void A_DamageSelf(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
Damages the calling actor by the specified amount. Negative amounts heal it, instead. This function cannot damage player actors which are under the effect of god2, and they still survive with one point of health if under the effect of buddha2.
- int amount
- The amount of damage to inflict. Negative amounts heal. An amount of 1000000 or higher is treated specially, and results in killing the actor regardless of health or any damage modifiers that may be in effect.
- name damagetype
- The type of damage to inflict. Default is 'None'.
- int flags
- The flags to modify the function's behavior. Multiple flags can be combined with
. The following flags are available:- DMSS_FOILINVUL — the actor is damaged even if it is invulnerable. For this flag to work, an inflictor is required (see inflict below). This flag is ignored if the actor is a player.
- DMSS_FOILBUDDHA — if the damage is enough to kill the actor, it dies even if it is under the "buddha" effect from the flag, powerup, or cheat. For this flag to work, an inflictor is required (see inflict below). This flag is ignored if the actor is a player.
- DMSS_NOPROTECT — damage bypasses the damage-modifying capability of items in the actor's inventory. A protection powerup is an example of such items.
- DMSS_NOFACTOR — damage bypasses the the actor's damage factors.
- DMSS_AFFECTARMOR — damage does not bypass the damage-absorbing capability of items in the actor's inventory. An armor is an example of such items.
- DMSS_KILL — inflicts an amount of damage which is equal to the sum of the actor's current health and amount, killing the actor under normal conditions. This flag bypasses the actor's damage factors and the damage-absorbing capability (but not the damage-modifying one) of items in the actor's inventory.
- DMSS_EXFILTER — inverts the case of the class name filter; the actor is only damaged if its class name does not match the value passed to filter.
- DMSS_EXSPECIES — inverts the case of the species filter; the actor is only damaged if its species does not match the value passed to species.
- DMSS_EITHER — the actor is damaged if either its class name or species matches the values passed to filter and species, respectively.
- DMSS_INFLICTORDMGTYPE — ignores the specified damage type, and instead, uses the damage type of the actor doing the damage (inflictor).
- class<Actor> filter
- The actor class to damage. If this is not
, the caller will only be damaged if it belongs to this class. Default is null(ZScript only)/"None"(DECORATE only).
- name species
- The actor species to damage. If this is not
, the caller will only be damaged if its Species matches this. Default is "None".
- int src
- A DECORATE actor pointer for the actor responsible for the damage (source). If this is set to AAPTR_NULL, the actor is damaged without a source. Default is AAPTR_DEFAULT, which is the calling actor itself.
- int inflict
- A DECORATE actor pointer for the actor dealing the damage (normally this would be a puff or projectile). If this is set to AAPTR_NULL, the actor is damaged without an inflictor (note that doing so renders both DMSS_FOILINVUL and DMSS_FOILBUDDHA ineffective). Default is AAPTR_DEFAULT, which is the calling actor itself.
This example creates a new item that when used increases movement and attack speed at the cost of 25 health, similar to the stimpacks in StarCraft.
class StarcraftStimpack : Inventory { Default { +Inventory.INVBAR Tag "Stimpack"; Inventory.Icon "SSTMA0"; Inventory.Amount 1; Inventory.MaxAmount 25; Inventory.PickupMessage "You found some stimpacks"; // This is an example. It's recommended to use LANGUAGE for player-facing strings. Inventory.PickupSound "misc/i_pkup"; Inventory.UseSound "misc/p_pkup"; } override bool Use(bool pickup) { // Do not let the player kill themselves: if (owner.health <= 25) { return false; } owner.A_DamageSelf(25); owner.A_GiveInventory("StimpackMoveEffect"); owner.A_GiveInventory("StimpackAttackEffect"); return true; } States { Spawn: SSTM A -1; Stop; } } class StimpackMoveEffect : PowerSpeed { Default { +PowerSpeed.NOTRAIL Powerup.Duration -15; } } class StimpackAttackEffect : PowerDoubleFiringSpeed { Default { Powerup.Duration -15; } }