ZDoom Community Halloween Project

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The ZDoom Community Halloween Project #1

The ZDoom Community Halloween Project is a collection of maps where the overall theme is fear. The idea behind it is to consequently scare the player using various real-life phobias. As such, each map has its own unique phobia theme (excluding the hub map) with which to scare the player. Various unique monsters and bosses were added, making the gameplay more interesting as each creature's behavior varies. The project is currently unfinsihed, and unfortunatley is on the ropes of failing and being abandoned. The project leader (Kirby) is still looking for help, so if you wish to join the team, send a PM to him on the forums or make a post in the forum thread.


The ZDoom Community Halloween Project was an idea started in October 2004 by ZDoom forum member Kirby. His original idea for the wad began as simply being Halloween themed and getting other members of the community to help work on it. The idea soon expanded and not long after a plan was formed to make the wad into something that could truly scare gamers who played it. Levels would be shaped after various fears and the intent would be to genuinely scare the player while he/she is playing it.

The original deadline for the project was set to be Halloween of that year, however the efforts toward the project were highly uncoordinated and the project was not finished on time. Not too long after, the project leader started the project up again, this time with more sufficient help and (after a few month) a co-leader, Farlowj. Ambitions were high and once again the project was back on its feet.

Sadly, the project also did not make its subsequent deadlines of October for the following years. The reasoning for this was simple: lack of enthusiasm and laziness on the part of project leader Kirby. Much mapping was also left undone on his behalf as well as a lack of team members to help. ZHalloween fell past its expected date once again and put in the backseat.

The fears that were planned for the wad so far:

  • Fear of water
  • Fear of being Buried Alive
  • Fear of Pain
  • Fear of Dreams

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