Dawn of Souls
Doom: Dawn of Souls is a modification which adds more weapons to the game, with a twist. The mod is based on Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Or Aria of Sorrow), which had a unique system which allowed the character to occasionaly gain souls from killing enemies and bosses, which gave him powers and abilities to make him stronger. The ablilities and powers are based on the monster that the soul belonged to.
Doom: Dawn of Souls adds a similar concept to the Doom world. Now, upon killing monsters, you get a chance of them dropping a soul. The soul will automaticly be absorbed by the player and he will be given a new weapon. The weapons are based on the monsters "soul", so for example, gaining an imp soul will give you the power to throw imp fireballs.
Soul weapons use Mana, which is also gained from souls. Every soul you collect regains all your mana (200), even if you already have that soul. Depending on what soul weapon you're using depends on how much mana it will take.
The DECORATE mod is being created by Cutmanmike. However, it uses a certain feature which WILL REQUIRE GZDoom due to certain feature required for this mod to work.
This is the current list of the souls.
- ZombieMan - Gives you the power to summon friendly Zombies.
- ShotgunGuy - Gives you a Shotgun which has a wider spread and uses Mana instead of Shells.
- ChaingunGuy - Gives you a Chaingun which pushes enemies back and uses Mana.
- Imp - Gives you the hands of an imp to throw fireballs.
- Demon - Gives you the rage of a demon which grants you Berserk when used.
- Spectre - Gives you the stealth of a spectre which grants you Partial Invisibility.
- LostSoul - Gives you the ability to charge at and damage enemies.
- Cacodemon - Gives you the ability to gain flight.
- Hell Knight - Gives you the power to summon friendly Hell Knights.
- Baron of Hell - Gives you the hands of a baron of hell to throw powerful fireballs.
- Mancubus - Gives you the arms of the mancubus to fire a wide spread of fireballs.
- Pain Elemental - Gives you the power to Destroy enemies' bodies with projectiles, thus increasing the chance of gaining souls.
Project declared Dead
Project has been forgotten about but the wad still exists.