ZDoom Line Specials



Light_Glow — gradually switches the light in a sector between two light levels.


Light_Glow (tag, upper, lower, tics);
Light_Glow (
  tag,       // Tag of affected sector
  upper,     // Upper light level
  lower,     // Lower light level
  tics       // How long each light change takes


The tag of the sector or sectors to change the light in.
The maximum light level to cycle to. This can be no higher than 255.
The minimum light level to cycle to. This can be no lower than 0.
The amount of time (in tics) for the light to change from one level to the other.


This special's function is the same whether you activate it on a line or use it in a script.


This special cycles the light level in a sector continually between upper and lower. The tics parameter is the number of tics it takes for the light to change from upper to lower. When the light changes from lower back to upper, it again takes the specified number of tics to complete. The time taken for one complete minimum -> maximum -> minimum cycle is thus 2 * tics.

When you use Light_Glow, the sector's current light level is ignored. The glow will always start at upper.

ACS Equivalent

If you want to stop this effect at some point, you can emulate it using Light_Fade and the following ACS code:
Light_ChangeToValue (tag, upper);
while (1)
    Light_Fade (tag, lower, tics);
    delay (tics);
    Light_Fade (tag, upper, tics);
    delay (tics);

First Available In


See Also

Light_Fade | Light_Flicker | Light_Strobe