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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.


bool TestMobjLocation()


Checks if the Actor is clipping into actors or geometry at its current position. This can be used to check if a newly spawned actor can actually fit in the place where it was spawned.

Note, this function returns true only when the actor's position is overlapping geometry or other actors; for collision see CheckMove.

Return value

  • bool - returns true if the calling actor has enough space. If the actor is clipping into other actors or geometry, returns false.


This function will spawn a specified monster 64 units in front of the calling actor and make it friendly on spawn. If there's no space for the spawned monster, it'll be destroyed and a message will be printed:

void A_SpawnFriend(class<Actor> cls)
	actor mo = Spawn(cls, pos + (RotateVector((64, 0), angle), 0)); //spawn specified actor class 64 units in front of the calling actor
	if (mo)
		if (!mo.TestMobjLocation())
			Console.Printf("Not enough space for a %s", mo.GetTag());
			mo.bFriendly = true;

See also RotateVector.