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This is a list of all the strings you can define in the DEHACKED lump. To do this, add [STRINGS] and then the strings you wish to change.
You can also edit these strings in the LANGUAGE lump
String Name | String Description |
D_DEVSTR | When the game is started with -devparm |
D_CDROM | When the game is started with -cdrom |
PRESSKEY | "Press any key to continue" (For error messages, etc.) |
PRESSYN | "Press Y or N" (For Quit Messages, Nightmare "Are you sure?", etc.) |
QUITMSG | These are the messages you see when you try to quit ZDoom |
LOADNET | You get this when you try to load a save game during multiplayer |
QLOADNET | When you try to load a quicksave during multiplayer |
QSAVESPOT | Probably question asking what quicksave spot to use, possibly not used in ZDoom |
SAVEDEAD | When you try to save when not playing (like the title screen, during a demo, after you die, etc.) |
QSPROMPT | Question asking whether you want to overwrite an existing quicksave |
QLPROMPT | Question asking whether you want to load a quicksave |
NEWGAME | Question asking whether you want to start a new game, possibly not used in ZDoom |
NIGHTMARE | The warning before a nightmare game |
SWSTRING | The message displayed in the shareware version when you try to play another episode besides episode 1 |
MSGOFF | The "messages on" message |
MSGON | The "messages off" message |
NETEND | Error message when you try to end a netgame |
ENDGAME | The "Are you sure?" question you get when you're about to end a game |
DOSY | |
EMPTYSTRING | Empty savegame slot, no longer used in ZDoom. |
GOTARMOR | pickup green armor |
GOTMEGA | pickup mega armor |
GOTHTHBONUS | pickup health bonus |
GOTARMBONUS | pickup armor bonus |
GOTSTIM | Pickup stimpack |
GOTMEDINEED | Pickup medikit (When your health is below 25%) |
GOTMEDIKIT | Pickup medikit |
GOTSUPER | Pickup supercharge |
GOTBLUECARD | Pickup blue card |
GOTYELWCARD | Pickup yellow card |
GOTREDCARD | Pickup red card |
GOTBLUESKUL | Pickup blue skull |
GOTYELWSKUL | Pickup yellow skull |
GOTREDSKUL | Pickup red skull |
GOTINVUL | Pickup invulnerability sphere |
GOTBERSERK | Pickup berserk pack |
GOTINVIS | Pickup invisibillity sphere |
GOTSUIT | Pickup Radiation suit |
GOTMAP | Pickup Full map |
GOTVISOR | Pickup light goggles |
GOTMSPHERE | Pickup mega sphere |
GOTCLIP | Pickup clip |
GOTCLIPBOX | Pickup Box of bullets |
GOTROCKET | Pickup rocket ammo |
GOTROCKBOX | Pickup box of rockets |
GOTCELL | Pickup cell |
GOTCELLBOX | Pickup cell box |
GOTSHELLS | Pickup shotgun shells |
GOTSHELLBOX | Pickup a box of shells |
GOTBACKPACK | Pickup backpack |
GOTBFG9000 | Pickup the BFG9000 |
GOTCHAINGUN | Pickup the chaingun |
GOTCHAINSAW | Pickup the chainsaw |
GOTLAUNCHER | Pickup the rocketlauncher |
GOTPLASMA | Pickup the plasma rifle |
GOTSHOTGUN | Pickup the shotgun |
GOTSHOTGUN2 | Pickup the super shotgun |
PD_BLUEO | Require blue key to activate object |
PD_REDO | Require red key to activate object |
PD_YELLOWO | Require yellow key to activate object |
PD_BLUEK | Require blue key to open door |
PD_REDK | Require red key to open door |
PD_YELLOWK | Require yellow key to open door |
GGSAVED | Game saved message |
HUSTR_E1M1 | Automap names for The Ultimate Doom |
HUSTR_E1M2 | |
HUSTR_E1M3 | |
HUSTR_E1M4 | |
HUSTR_E1M5 | |
HUSTR_E1M6 | |
HUSTR_E1M7 | |
HUSTR_E1M8 | |
HUSTR_E1M9 | |
HUSTR_E2M1 | |
HUSTR_E2M2 | |
HUSTR_E2M3 | |
HUSTR_E2M4 | |
HUSTR_E2M5 | |
HUSTR_E2M6 | |
HUSTR_E2M7 | |
HUSTR_E2M8 | |
HUSTR_E2M9 | |
HUSTR_E3M1 | |
HUSTR_E3M2 | |
HUSTR_E3M3 | |
HUSTR_E3M4 | |
HUSTR_E3M5 | |
HUSTR_E3M6 | |
HUSTR_E3M7 | |
HUSTR_E3M8 | |
HUSTR_E3M9 | |
HUSTR_E4M1 | |
HUSTR_E4M2 | |
HUSTR_E4M3 | |
HUSTR_E4M4 | |
HUSTR_E4M5 | |
HUSTR_E4M6 | |
HUSTR_E4M7 | |
HUSTR_E4M8 | |
HUSTR_E4M9 | |
HUSTR_1 | Automap names for Doom II |
HUSTR_2 | |
HUSTR_3 | |
HUSTR_4 | |
HUSTR_5 | |
HUSTR_6 | |
HUSTR_7 | |
HUSTR_8 | |
HUSTR_9 | |
HUSTR_10 | |
HUSTR_11 | |
HUSTR_12 | |
HUSTR_13 | |
HUSTR_14 | |
HUSTR_15 | |
HUSTR_16 | |
HUSTR_17 | |
HUSTR_18 | |
HUSTR_19 | |
HUSTR_20 | |
HUSTR_21 | |
HUSTR_22 | |
HUSTR_23 | |
HUSTR_24 | |
HUSTR_25 | |
HUSTR_26 | |
HUSTR_27 | |
HUSTR_28 | |
HUSTR_29 | |
HUSTR_30 | |
HUSTR_31 | |
HUSTR_32 | |
PHUSTR_1 | Automap names for The Plutonia Experiment |
PHUSTR_2 | |
PHUSTR_3 | |
PHUSTR_4 | |
PHUSTR_5 | |
PHUSTR_6 | |
PHUSTR_7 | |
PHUSTR_8 | |
PHUSTR_9 | |
PHUSTR_10 | |
PHUSTR_11 | |
PHUSTR_12 | |
PHUSTR_13 | |
PHUSTR_14 | |
PHUSTR_15 | |
PHUSTR_16 | |
PHUSTR_17 | |
PHUSTR_18 | |
PHUSTR_19 | |
PHUSTR_20 | |
PHUSTR_21 | |
PHUSTR_22 | |
PHUSTR_23 | |
PHUSTR_24 | |
PHUSTR_25 | |
PHUSTR_26 | |
PHUSTR_27 | |
PHUSTR_28 | |
PHUSTR_29 | |
PHUSTR_30 | |
PHUSTR_31 | |
PHUSTR_32 | |
THUSTR_1 | Automap names for TNT: Evilution |
THUSTR_2 | |
THUSTR_3 | |
THUSTR_4 | |
THUSTR_5 | |
THUSTR_6 | |
THUSTR_7 | |
THUSTR_8 | |
THUSTR_9 | |
THUSTR_10 | |
THUSTR_11 | |
THUSTR_12 | |
THUSTR_13 | |
THUSTR_14 | |
THUSTR_15 | |
THUSTR_16 | |
THUSTR_17 | |
THUSTR_18 | |
THUSTR_19 | |
THUSTR_20 | |
THUSTR_21 | |
THUSTR_22 | |
THUSTR_23 | |
THUSTR_24 | |
THUSTR_25 | |
THUSTR_26 | |
THUSTR_27 | |
THUSTR_28 | |
THUSTR_29 | |
THUSTR_30 | |
THUSTR_31 | |
THUSTR_32 | |
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF1 | When you try to send a message to yourself for the 1st time (Not used in ZDoom) |
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF2 | When you try to send a message to yourself for a 2nd time (Not used in ZDoom) |
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF3 | When you try to send a message to yourself for a 3nd time (Not used in ZDoom) |
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF4 | When you try to send a message to yourself for a 4th time (Not used in ZDoom) |
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF5 | When you try to send a message to yourself for all other times (Not used in ZDoom) |
AMSTR_FOLLOWON | Following is enabled in the Automap |
AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF | Following is disabled in the Automap |
AMSTR_GRIDON | Grid is enabled in the Automap |
AMSTR_GRIDOFF | Grid is disabled in the Automap |
AMSTR_MARKEDSPOT | You mark a spot in the Automap |
AMSTR_MARKSCLEARED | You clear marks from the automap |
STSTR_MUS | "Music Change" message after IDMUS cheat |
STSTR_NOMUS | "IMPOSSIBLE SELECTION" error when you try to change the music to a non-existent value |
STSTR_DQDON | God mode activated |
STSTR_DQDOFF | God mode deactivated |
STSTR_FAADDED | IDFA activated |
STSTR_NCON | Noclip activated |
STSTR_NCOFF | Noclip deactivated |
STSTR_BEHOLD | Recive item cheat |
STSTR_BEHOLDX | Recive item cheat comfirmer |
STSTR_CHOPPERS | Chainsaw cheat |
STSTR_CLEV | Changing level message(Shown before a level changes) |
E1TEXT | Doom Episode 1 End Text |
E2TEXT | Registered Doom Episode 2 End Text |
E3TEXT | Registered Doom Episode 3 End Text |
E4TEXT | Ultimate Doom Episode 4 End Text |
C1TEXT | Doom 2 MAP07 Enter Text |
C2TEXT | Doom 2 MAP12 Enter Text |
C3TEXT | Doom 2 MAP31 Enter Text |
C4TEXT | Doom 2 MAP32 Enter Text |
C5TEXT | Doom 2 MAP21 Enter Text |
C6TEXT | Doom 2 EndGame Text - NOTE: May be out of order, please confirm |
P1TEXT | Plutonia Story Text |
P2TEXT | Plutonia Story Text |
P3TEXT | Plutonia Story Text |
P4TEXT | Plutonia Story Text |
P5TEXT | Plutonia Story Text |
P6TEXT | Plutonia EndGame Text |
T1TEXT | TNT Evilution Story Text |
T2TEXT | TNT Evilution Story Text |
T3TEXT | TNT Evilution Story Text |
T4TEXT | TNT Evilution Story Text |
T5TEXT | TNT Evilution Story Text |
T6TEXT | TNT Evilution EndGame Text |
CC_ZOMBIE | Monster names shown in the Doom II cast call |
CC_IMP | |
PD_BLUEC | Printed when the Player requires a Blue KeyCard |
PD_REDC | Printed when the Player requires a Red KeyCard |
PD_YELLOWC | Printed when the Player requires a Yellow KeyCard |
PD_BLUES | Printed when the Player requires a Blue Skull Key |
PD_REDS | Printed when the Player requires a Red Skull Key |
PD_YELLOWS | Printed when the Player requires a Yellow Skull Key |
PD_ANY | Printed when the Player requires any colored card/skull |
PD_ALL3 | Printed when the Player requires 3 differently-colored cards/skulls |
PD_ALL6 | Printed when the Player requires all six cards/skulls |
TXT_FRAGLIMIT | The message when someone reaches the Fraglimit |
TXT_TIMELIMIT | The message when the time limit is hit |
SPREEKILLSELF | Player suicides while on a killing spree |
SPREEOVER | Player gets killed while on a killing spree |
SPREE5 | Player gets 5 kills without dying in a deathmatch game |
SPREE10 | Player gets 10 kills without dying in a deathmatch game |
SPREE15 | Player gets 15 kills without dying in a deathmatch game |
SPREE20 | Player gets 20 kills without dying in a deathmatch game |
SPREE25 | Player gets 25 kills without dying in a deathmatch game |
MULTI2 | Double kill (2 kills) |
MULTI3 | Multi kill (3 kills) |
MULTI4 | Ultra kill (4 kills) |
MULTI5 | Monster kill (5+ kills) |
OB_SUICIDE | Player kills himself |
OB_FALLING | Player falls too far |
OB_CRUSH | Player gets crushed by ceiling/floor |
OB_EXIT | Player dies when he exits (DMFLAG) |
OB_WATER | Player drowns in water |
OB_SLIME | Player dies in slime |
OB_LAVA | Player dies in lava |
OB_BARREL | Player gets killed by lava |
OB_SPLASH | Player gets killed by his projectile's splash damage |
OB_R_SPLASH | Player gets killed by his rocket's splash damage |
OB_ROCKET | Player gets killed by his own rocket |
OB_KILLEDSELF | Player kills himself |
OB_STEALTHBABY | Player gets killed by a Stealth Arachnotron |
OB_STEALTHVILE | Player gets killed by a Stealth Archvile |
OB_STEALTHBARON | Player gets killed by a Stealth Baron of Hell |
OB_STEALTHCACO | Player gets killed by a Stealth Cacodemon |
OB_STEALTHCHAINGUY | Player gets killed by a Stealth Chaingunner |
OB_STEALTHDEMON | Player gets killed by a Stealth Demon |
OB_STEALTHKNIGHT | Player gets killed by a Stealth Hell Knight |
OB_STEALTHIMP | Player gets killed by a Stealth Imp |
OB_STEALTHFATSO | Player gets killed by a Stealth Mancubus |
OB_STEALTHUNDEAD | Player gets killed by a Stealth Revenant |
OB_STEALTHSHOTGUY | Player gets killed by a Stealth Shotgun sergeant |
OB_STEALTHZOMBIE | Player gets killed by a Stealth Zombieman |
OB_UNDEADHIT | Player gets killed by a Revenant's punch |
OB_IMPHIT | Player gets killed by an Imp's scratch |
OB_CACOHIT | Player gets killed by a Cacodemon's bad breath ;) |
OB_DEMONHIT | Player gets killed by a Demon's bite |
OB_SPECTREHIT | Player gets killed by a Spectre's bite |
OB_BARONHIT | Player gets killed by a Baron's scratch |
OB_KNIGHTHIT | Player gets killed by a Hell Knight's scratch |
OB_ZOMBIE | Player gets killed by a zombieman |
OB_SHOTGUY | Player gets killed by a shotgun sergeant |
OB_VILE | Player gets killed by an archvile |
OB_UNDEAD | Player gets killed by a revenant |
OB_FATSO | Player gets killed by a mancubus |
OB_CHAINGUY | Player gets killed by a chaingunner |
OB_SKULL | Player gets killed by a lost soul |
OB_IMP | Player gets killed by an imp |
OB_CACO | Player gets killed by a cacodemon |
OB_BARON | Player gets killed by a baron of hell |
OB_KNIGHT | Player gets killed by a hell knight |
OB_SPIDER | Player gets killed by the Spider Mastermind |
OB_BABY | Player gets killed by an arachnotron |
OB_CYBORG | Player gets killed by the Cyberdemon |
OB_WOLFSS | Player gets killed by a nazi |
OB_CHICKEN | Player gets killed by a chicken |
OB_BEAST | Player gets killed by a weredragon |
OB_CLINK | Player gets killed by a sabreclaw |
OB_DSPARIL1 | Player gets killed by d'sparil's serpent |
OB_DSPARIL1HIT | Player gets killed by d'sparil's serpent's bite |
OB_DSPARIL2 | Player gets killed by d'sparil's lightning bolt |
OB_DSPARIL2HIT | Player gets killed by a beating from d'sparil's staff |
OB_HERETICIMP | Player gets killed by a Heretic imp |
OB_HERETICIMPHIT | Player gets clawed to death by a Heretic imp |
OB_IRONLICH | Player gets killed by an Iron Lich |
OB_IRONLICHHIT | Player gets killed by an Iron Lich's jaws |
OB_BONEKNIGHT | Player gets killed by a Knight's Axe |
OB_BONEKNIGHTHIT | Player gets killed by a Knight |
OB_MUMMY | Player gets killed by a golem |
OB_MUMMYLEADER | Player gets killed by a NitroGolem |
OB_SNAKE | Player gets killed by an ophidian |
OB_WIZARD | Player gets killed by a disciple of d'sparil |
OB_WIZARDHIT | Player gets beaten to death by a disciple of d'sparil |
OB_MPFIST | Player gets killed by a player's punch |
OB_MPCHAINSAW | Player gets killed by a player's chainsaw |
OB_MPPISTOL | Player gets killed by a player's pistol |
OB_MPSHOTGUN | Player gets killed by a player's shotgun |
OB_MPSSHOTGUN | Player gets killed by a player's super shotgun |
OB_MPCHAINGUN | Player gets killed by a player's chaingun |
OB_MPROCKET | Player gets killed by a player's rocket launcher |
OB_MPR_SPLASH | Player gets killed by a player's rocket launcher (splash) |
OB_MPPLASMARIFLE | Player gets killed by a player's plasma |
OB_MPBFG_BOOM | Player gets killed by a player's BFG |
OB_MPBFG_SPLASH | Player gets killed by a player's BFG (splash) |
OB_MPTELEFRAG | Player gets killed by a player teleporting into him |
OB_RAILGUN | Player gets killed by a player's railgun |
OB_MONTELEFRAG | Player gets killed by a teleporting monster |
OB_DEFAULT | Player gets killed by something (generic death) |
OB_FRIENDLY1 | Player gets killed by a co op friend |
OB_FRIENDLY2 | Player gets killed by a co op friend |
OB_FRIENDLY3 | Player gets killed by a co op friend |
OB_FRIENDLY4 | Player gets killed by a co op friend |
SAVEGAMENAME | Default Savegame name? Possibly not used in ZDoom |
STARTUP1 | Shows in the console when ZDoom first starts |
STARTUP2 | Shows in the console when ZDoom first starts |
STARTUP3 | Shows in the console when ZDoom first starts |
STARTUP4 | Shows in the console when ZDoom first starts |
STARTUP5 | Shows in the console when ZDoom first starts |
HE1TEXT | Heretic Episode 1 EndText |
HE2TEXT | Heretic Episode 2 EndText |
HE3TEXT | Heretic Episode 3 EndText |
HE4TEXT | Heretic Episode 4 EndText |
HE5TEXT | Heretic Episode 5 EndText |
HHUSTR_E1M1 | Automap names for Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders |
TXT_GOTBLUEKEY | Picked up Heretic's Blue Key |
TXT_GOTYELLOWKEY | Picked up Heretic's Yellow Key |
TXT_GOTGREENKEY | Picked up Heretic's Green Key |
TXT_ARTIHEALTH | Picked up Quartz Flask |
TXT_ARTIFLY | Picked up Wings of Wrath |
TXT_ARTIINVULNERABILITY | Picked up Ring of Invincibility |
TXT_ARTITOMEOFPOWER | Picked up Tome of Power |
TXT_ARTIINVISIBILITY | Picked up Shadowsphere |
TXT_ARTIEGG | Picked up Morph Ovum |
TXT_ARTISUPERHEALTH | Picked up Mystic Urn |
TXT_ARTITORCH | Picked up Torch |
TXT_ARTIFIREBOMB | Picked up Time Bomb of the Ancients |
TXT_ARTITELEPORT | Picked up Chaos Device |
TXT_ITEMHEALTH | Picked up Crystal Veil |
TXT_ITEMBAGOFHOLDING | Picked up Bag of Holding |
TXT_ITEMSHIELD1 | Picked up Silver Shield |
TXT_ITEMSHIELD2 | Picked up Enchanted Shield |
TXT_ITEMSUPERMAP | Picked up Map Scroll |
TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND1 | Picked up Wand Crystal |
TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND2 | Picked up Crystal Geode |
TXT_AMMOMACE1 | Picked up Small Mace Spheres Pile |
TXT_AMMOMACE2 | Picked up Large Mace Spheres Pile |
TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW1 | Picked up Etheral Arrows |
TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW2 | Picked up Quiver of Etheral Arrows |
TXT_AMMOBLASTER1 | Picked up Claw Orb |
TXT_AMMOBLASTER2 | Picked up Energy Orb |
TXT_AMMOSKULLROD1 | Picked up Small Rune |
TXT_AMMOSKULLROD2 | Picked up Large Rune |
TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD1 | Picked up Flame Orb |
TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD2 | Picked up Inferno Orb |
TXT_WPNMACE | Picked up Mace |
TXT_WPNCROSSBOW | Picked up Etheral Crossbow |
TXT_WPNBLASTER | Picked up Dragon Claw |
TXT_WPNSKULLROD | Picked up Hellstaff |
TXT_WPNPHOENIXROD | Picked up PhoenixRod |
TXT_WPNGAUNTLETS | Picked up Necromancer Guantlets |
TXT_NEEDBLUEKEY | Message shown when Blue key is required |
TXT_NEEDGREENKEY | Message shown when Green key is required |
TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEY | Message shown when Yellow key is required |
TXT_CHEATHEALTH | Full Health Cheat |
TXT_CHEATKEYS | All Keys Cheat |
TXT_CHEATSOUNDON | Noise Statistics On |
TXT_CHEATSOUNDOFF | Noise Statistics Off |
TXT_CHEATIDDQD | Kill Psudeo-Cheat |
TXT_CHEATIDKFA | Take Weapons Psudeo-Cheat |
TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS3 | All Artifacts Cheat |
RAVENQUITMSG | Heretic/Hexen Quit message |
TXT_MANA_1 | Green Mana |
TXT_MANA_2 | Blue Mana |
TXT_MANA_BOTH | Combined Mana |
TXT_KEY_STEEL | Steel Key |
TXT_KEY_CAVE | Cave Key |
TXT_KEY_AXE | Axe Key |
TXT_KEY_FIRE | Fire Key |
TXT_KEY_EMERALD | Emerald Key |
TXT_KEY_DUNGEON | Dungeon Key |
TXT_KEY_SILVER | Silver Key |
TXT_KEY_RUSTED | Rusted Key |
TXT_KEY_HORN | Horn Key |
TXT_KEY_SWAMP | Swamp Key |
TXT_KEY_CASTLE | Castle Key |
TXT_ARTIINVULNERABILITY2 | Picked Up Icon of the Defender |
TXT_ARTISUMMON | Picked Up Dark Servant |
TXT_ARTIEGG2 | Picked up Porkulator |
TXT_ARTIPOISONBAG | Picked up Flechette |
TXT_ARTITELEPORTOTHER | Picked up Banishment Device |
TXT_ARTISPEED | Picked up Speed Boots |
TXT_ARTIBOOSTMANA | Picked up Krater of Might |
TXT_ARTIBOOSTARMOR | Picked up DragonSkin Bracers |
TXT_ARTIBLASTRADIUS | Picked up Disc of Repulsion |
TXT_ARTIHEALINGRADIUS | Picked up Ambit Incant |
TXT_ARTIPUZZSKULL | Picked up Yorick's Skull |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMBIG | Picked up Heart of D'sparil |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMRED | Picked up Red Planet |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMGREEN1 | Picked up Green Planet |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMGREEN2 | Picked up Green Planet 2 |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMBLUE1 | Picked up Blue Planet |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMBLUE2 | Picked up Blue Planet 2 |
TXT_ARTIPUZZBOOK1 | Picked up Daemon Codex |
TXT_ARTIPUZZBOOK2 | Picked up libera Oscura |
TXT_ARTIPUZZSKULL2 | Picked up Flame Mask |
TXT_ARTIPUZZFWEAPON | Picked up Glaive Seal |
TXT_ARTIPUZZCWEAPON | Picked up Holy Relic |
TXT_ARTIPUZZMWEAPON | Picked up Sigil of the Magus |
TXT_ARTIPUZZGEAR | Picked up Clock Gear |
TXT_USEPUZZLEFAILED | Message Shown when you try to use a puzzle item when it can't be used yet |
TXT_ARMOR1 | Picked up Mesh Armor |
TXT_ARMOR2 | Picked up Falcon Shield |
TXT_ARMOR3 | Picked up Amulet of Warding |
TXT_ARMOR4 | Picked up Platinum Helm - NOTE: May be out of order |
TXT_WEAPON_F2 | Picked up Timon's Axe |
TXT_WEAPON_F3 | Picked up Hammer of Retrobution |
TXT_WEAPON_F4 | Assembled Quietus |
TXT_WEAPON_C2 | Picked up Serpent Staff |
TXT_WEAPON_C3 | Picked up FireStorm |
TXT_WEAPON_C4 | Assembled Wraithverge |
TXT_WEAPON_M2 | Picked up Frost Shards |
TXT_WEAPON_M3 | Picked up Arc of Death |
TXT_WEAPON_M4 | Assembled BloodScourge |
TXT_QUIETUS_PIECE | Picked up a piece of Quietus |
TXT_WRAITHVERGE_PIECE | Picked up a piece of Wraithverge |
TXT_BLOODSCOURGE_PIECE | Picked up a piece of Bloodscourge |
BBA_BONED | "killer boned victim like a fish" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_CASTRA | "killer castrated victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_CREAMED | "killer creamed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_DECIMAT | "killer decimated victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_DESTRO | "killer destroyed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_DICED | "killer diced victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_DISEMBO | "killer disemboweled victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_FLATTE | "killer flattened victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_JUSTICE | "killer gave victim anal justice" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_MADNESS | "killer gave victim anal madness" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_KILLED | "killer killed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_MINCMEAT | "killer made mincemeat out of victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_MASSACR | "killer massacred victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_MUTILA | "killer mutilated victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_REAMED | "killer reamed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_RIPPED | "killer rilled victim a new orifice" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SLAUGHT | "killer slaughtered victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SMASHED | "killer smashed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SODOMIZ | "killer sodomized victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SPLATT | "killer splattered victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SQUASH | "killer squashed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_THROTTL | "killer throttled victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_WASTED | "killer wasted victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_BODYBAG | "killer body bagged victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_HELL | "killer sent victim to hell" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_TOAST | "killer toasted victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SNUFF | "killer snuffed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_HOSED | "killer hosed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_SPRAYED | "killer sprayed victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_DOGMEAT | "killer made dog meat out of victim" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_BEATEN | "killer beat victim like a cur" bloodbath obituary |
BBA_EXCREMENT | "victim is excrement" bloodbath obituary (generic death) |
BBA_HAMBURGER | "victim is hamburger" bloodbath obituary (generic death) |
BBA_SCROTUM | "victim suffered scrotum separation" bloodbath obituary (generic death) |
BBA_POPULATION | "victim volunteered for population control" bloodbath obituary (suicide) |
BBA_SUICIDE | "victim suicides" bloodbath obituary (suicide) |
BBA_DARWIN | "victim receives the darwin award" bloodbath obituary (suicide) |
Here's an example of how to put these into DeHackEd:
[STRINGS] OB_KILLEDSELF = %o had a heart attack OB_ROCKET = %o has crap aim OB_LAVA = %o was burnt to a crisp