SpawnParticle (ZScript)
Note: This feature is for ZScript only. |
native void SpawnParticle(FSpawnParticleParams p)
Spawns a particle on the map. This acts as a struct-using replacement for A_SpawnParticleEx, due to how many parameters that method has.
This is a method of the LevelLocals struct, so to perform the spawn itself, it must be called as level.SpawnParticle
(level is a global pointer to an instance of LevelLocals). The FSPawnParticleParams struct must be set up before that, however.
- p: A pointer to the FSpawnParticleParams struct that stores the parameters the function will use.
![]() |
Warning: The default values for the fields in a struct are the same as the default values of a variable upon declaration (so, for example, for integer fields the default value is 0, for double fields it's 0.0, etc.). As such, fields like startalpha and color1 do not have the same default values as the parameters of A_SpawnParticleEx and must be set to the necessary value explicitly!
For example, you must explicitly set startalpha to 1.0 and size to a positive value, otherwise the particle will be invisible! |
The parameters the FSpawnParticleParams struct has are the same as the ones A_SpawnParticleEx uses. However, several parameters are squashed into Vector3 parameters, and some are renamed:
- int color1
- This parameter is what 'color1' is renamed to. Color can be applied to textured particles as well, resulting in tinted textures.
- Since this is an integer field, the default value for it is
, which means black. If you want to use a textured particle and NOT apply colorization to it, you need to explicitly setcolor1 = ""
- TextureID texture
- The texture used by the particle, same as A_SpawnParticleEx. If omitted, default untextured particles will be used.
- vector3 pos
- The absolute XYZ coordinate to spawn the particle in. It replaces the relative x/y/zoff parameters that the other particle spawn methods have.
- vector3 vel
- The velocity to apply to the particle on the XYZ axes, like the velx/y/z parameters it replaces, these values are absolute as well.
- vector3 accel
- The acceleration to apply to the particle on the XYZ axes. It replaces the accelx/y/z parameters that the other particle spawn methods have.
- int flags
- SPF_FULLBRIGHT — Makes the particle full bright.
- SPF_NOTIMEFREEZE — The spawned particle is not affected by the time freeze powerup or cheat.
- SPF_ROLL - The particle is allowed to use its' startroll, rollvel, and rollacc parameters.
- SPF_ROLLCENTER — Rolls the particle around the center of the graphic regardless of offsets, like the ROLLCENTER actor flag. (New from 4.13.0)
- SPF_REPLACE — If the the particle limit is reached, the oldest particles will be removed to make room for particles with SPF_REPLACE.
- SPF_NO_XY_BILLBOARD - The particle does not have any sort of billboarding, causing it to render similarly to normal actor sprites, instead of facing the players' view at all times.
- SPF_LOCAL_ANIM — Spawns an animated particle whose animation runs independently of the games' timer. This means the graphics can be animated at different times, and that pausing the game also stops them from running.
- SPF_NEGATIVE_FADESTEP — Forces negative fadestep to be interpreted literally, causing the particle to fade in (for example, with this flag a fadestep of -0.1 will cause the particle's alpha to increase by 0.1 every tic). Without this flag, any negative fadestep value will cause the particle to gradually fade out over its lifetime. (New from 4.13.0)
- SPF_FACECAMERA — Makes the particle graphic face the camera. Like the BILLBOARDFACECAMERA actor flag. (New from 4.13.0)
- SPF_NOFACECAMERA — Makes the particle graphic face the opposite direction the camera. Like the BILLBOARDNOFACECAMERA actor flag. (New from 4.13.0)
- SPF_STRETCHPIXELS — Rolling particle graphics will not ignore aspect ratio correction and continue to appear stretched. (New from 4.13.1)
- Note: SPF_REL* flags are not supported, in contrast to A_SpawnParticleEx, since FSpawnparticleParams has no angle field. Use RotateVector to convert absolute offsets to relative according to a specified angle.
- int style
- The render style of the particle. STYLE_Normal and STYLE_Translucent have the same effect.
- For shaded render styles, the shading color is determined by the
parameter. Note that even without STYLE_Shaded, ifcolor1
is not""
, the particle will be shaded to that color.
- int lifetime
- The time in tics the particle will exist for.
- double size
- The size of the particle. Note that it's the absolute size in map units, and that, if the particle is textured, its texture will be scaled to this size. If you wish to apply scale in the same way you'd apply it to an actor (i.e. relative to the size of the graphic), you will first need to obtain the texture's size with
and then multiply the result by the desired scale (such as 0.5 for 50% of the size), and use that value as size. - Note that particles are always round/square. As such, non-square textures will be stretched to fit.
- double sizestep
- By how much the size of the particle will change every tic. Negative values will make it smaller, positive values will make it bigger. Note, this isn't relative scale, this is absolute value, just like size.
- double startalpha
- This parameter is what 'startalphaf' is renamed to.
- Since this is a double field, its default value is
Unless you explicitly set it to a higher value, your particle will spawn invisible!
- double fadestep
- Same as fadestepf in A_SpawnParticle: determines by how much the particle's alpha will be reduced every tic. If left unspecified, the particle will be fully opaque until it disappears. Set to
if you want to see gradual fadeout over its lifetime. - fadestep can also be negative: if the value is negative (but not
exactly), particles that are initially translucent can be faded in.
- double startroll
- The starting roll position of the particle in degrees. Requires the SPF_ROLL flag.
- double rollvel
- The particle's roll will change by this value every tick. Requires the SPF_ROLL flag.
- double rollacc
- The rollvel value will change by this value every tick (which allows you to increase or decrease the value by which the roll changes). Requires the SPF_ROLL flag.
The angle parameter does not exist in FSpawnParticleParams, since the SpawnParticle method uses absolute coordinates. This also means that the SPF_REL*
flags do nothing by extension.
This simple actor uses textures particles to spawn textured particles (using the PLSSB0 sprite from the PlasmaBall) that move in a flame-like manner.
Note that it spawns 5 particles per tic using a FOR loop, and you can choose how much randomization you want to choosing what parts of the definition are inside the loop and which are outside.
class ParticlePlasmaFire : Actor
radius 16;
override void Tick()
if (isFrozen())
FSpawnParticleParams fp;
fp.texture = TexMan.CheckForTexture('PLSSB0');
fp.color1 = "";
for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--)
fp.lifetime = random[fp](40, 80);
fp.pos.x = pos.x + frandom[fp](-radius, radius);
fp.pos.y = pos.y + frandom[fp](-radius, radius);
fp.pos.z = pos.z + frandom[fp](0, 16);
fp.vel.xy = (frandom[fp](-2, 2), frandom[fp](-2, 2));
fp.vel.z = frandom[fp](2, 4);
fp.accel.xy = -(fp.vel.xy * 0.035); //acceleration is aimed to the opposite of velocity
fp.accel.z = -(fp.vel.z / fp.lifetime);
fp.size = random[fp](4, 10);
fp.sizeStep = -(fp.size / fp.lifetime); //size reduces to 0 over lifetime
fp.startalpha = frandom[fp](0.75, 1.0);
fp.fadestep = -1;
fp.startRoll = frandom[fp](0, 360);
fp.rollvel = frandom[fp](-15, 15);
fp.rollacc = -(fp.rollvel / fp.lifetime); //rollvel reduces to 0 over lifetime
This is a spawner that can be configured in a level editor to spawn different types of particles at a specified frequency:
class RandomParticleSpawner : Actor { Default { //$Title Random Particle Spawner //$Category Decoration //$Arg0 Particle Types //$Arg0Tooltip "What type of particle should the spawner create" //$Arg0Type 11 //$Arg0Enum {0 = "Default"; 1 = "Fire Particles"; 2 = "Doomguy Hologram";} //$Arg1 Frequency //$Arg1Tooltip "How frequently (in tics) the spawner should create a particle" //$Arg1Default 35 +NoInteraction; +NoGravity; } //Give some names to the possible values of Args[0] enum EParticleTypes { TYPE_DEFAULT = 0, TYPE_FIREBALL = 1, TYPE_DOOMGUY = 2 } Vector3 offsets; //The offsets relative to the spawner to use for each particle. override void Tick() { Super.Tick(); //Spawn a particle every time that the age of the spawner can be divided by the spawn frequency. Or immediately spawn one if the frequency is 0 or less. if (args[1] <= 0 || GetAge() % args[1] == 0) { //Play fire sound for fire particles. if (args[0] == TYPE_FIREBALL) A_StartSound ("vile/firecrkl",flags:CHANF_NOSTOP); //Stop fire sound if the particle type was changed during runtime. else A_StopSound (CHAN_BODY); //Spawn boring default particle. if (args[0] == TYPE_DEFAULT) { offsets = (FRandom (64,-64),FRandom (64,-64),0); FSpawnParticleParams DefaultParticle; DefaultParticle.Color1 = "Gray"; DefaultParticle.Style = STYLE_None; DefaultParticle.Lifetime = 70; DefaultParticle.Pos = Vec3Offset (Offsets.X,Offsets.Y,Offsets.Z); //Spawn relative to the spawner. DefaultParticle.Size = 1.5; DefaultParticle.SizeStep = 1; DefaultParticle.Vel.Z = FRandom (0.2,6); //Randomize the velocity of the particle. DefaultParticle.StartAlpha = 1; DefaultParticle.FadeStep = 0.004; Level.SpawnParticle (DefaultParticle); } //Spawn cool fire particle. else if (args[0] == TYPE_FIREBALL) { offsets = (FRandom (64,-64),FRandom (64,-64),0); FSpawnParticleParams FireballParticle; FireballParticle.Texture = TexMan.CheckForTexture ("BAL1A0"); FireballParticle.Color1 = "FFFFFF"; FireballParticle.Style = STYLE_Add; FireballParticle.Flags = SPF_ROLL|SPF_FULLBRIGHT; FireballParticle.Vel = (FRandom (0.5,-0.5),FRandom (0.5,-0.5),FRandom (0.1,0.8)); //Randomize the velocity of the particle. FireballParticle.RollVel = 0.25; FireballParticle.StartAlpha = 1; FireballParticle.Size = 0.4; FireballParticle.SizeStep = 0.2; FireballParticle.Lifetime = FRandom (35,35*4); //Randomize the lifespan of the particle. FireballParticle.Pos = Vec3Offset (Offsets.X,Offsets.Y,Offsets.Z); //Spawn relative to the spawner. Level.SpawnParticle (FireballParticle); Level.SpawnParticle (FireballParticle); //Spawn more particles for better effect. Level.SpawnParticle (FireballParticle); } //Spawn super cool Doomguy particle. else if (Args[0] == TYPE_DOOMGUY) { FSpawnParticleParams DoomguyParticle; DoomguyParticle.Texture = TexMan.CheckForTexture ("PLAYA1"); DoomguyParticle.Lifetime = INT.MAX; //Doom(guy) is eternal. DoomguyParticle.Style = STYLE_Add; DoomguyParticle.StartAlpha = 1; DoomguyParticle.FadeStep = -1; DoomguyParticle.Size = 75; DoomguyParticle.SizeStep = 0; DoomguyParticle.Color1 = "Blue"; DoomguyParticle.Flags = SPF_FULLBRIGHT|SPF_REPLACE; DoomguyParticle.Pos = Self.Pos; //Spawn relative to the spawner. Level.SpawnParticle (DoomguyParticle); } //If the spawner has no frequency, spawn only one particle and go away. Allows for spawning a single permanent Doomguy hologram for example. if (Args[1] <= 0) Destroy(); } } }