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bool SetStateLabel(statelabel st, bool nofunction = false)


Forcefully sets the calling actor's State to the specified state sequence. Same as SetState, except the first argument is the name of a state sequence (like "Spawn") rather than a state pointer.

Note: This is NOT a state jump function, and it should not be called from inside a state/anonymous function. It's meant to be called from outside of states. For state jumps, use return FindState("<State label>") in actors, or return ResolveState("<State label>") in weapons.


  • statelabel st
The name of a state sequence, like "Spawn".
  • bool nofunction
If the first state in the defined state label has a function attached, passing true to this argument will force that function to not be called.

Return values

Returns true if the state was successfully modified.

ZScript definition

Note: The ZScript definition below is for reference and may be different in the current version of GZDoom.The most up-to-date version of this code can be found on GZDoom GitHub.
bool SetStateLabel(statelabel st, bool nofunction = false) 
    return SetState(FindState(st), nofunction);


This version of Doom Imp's fireball after existing for 10 tics will move from Spawn state sequence to the Plasma state sequence, which makes it look like the PlasmaBall:

class FakePlasmaBall : DoomImpBall
	override void Tick()
		// Check if age is above 10 tics and the actor is currently
		// in its spawn state sequence:
		if (GetAge() > 10 && InStateSequence(curstate, spawnstate))

		PLSS AB 5 bright;

Used in the example:

Note: spawnstate is an Actor field that contains a pointer to the first state in their Spawn state sequence. It's the same as FindState("Spawn").

See also