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For more information on this article, visit the CsDoom page on the Doom Wiki.

csDoom, or client/server Doom, is a network port based on the ZDoom 1.22 official release. The Client/Server architecture generally provides a more enjoyable on-line experience than the peer-to-peer design native to ZDoom — especially in games involving three or more players. Though csDoom does not include many of the schnazzy features present in ZDaemon, or Zandronum, it is one very playable option for on-line play.

The original version of csDoom, by Sergey Makovkin, is no longer being maintained, and his latest version is 0.7. Denis Lukianov continued working on the port until version 1.3 was released in 2006. The project is now abandoned in favor of Odamex.

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