Coding language differences

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When programming ZScript, it is often recommended practicing a different coding language to become familiar with how things work. However, every language has its own quirks that make it different from the next one. Here is a list of identified coding languages that possess many similarities to ZScript and their differences, including (but not limited to) syntax.

From C(++)

  • No dereference or address variable pointers (* and & respectively) -- only by pointers (i.e.
  • 'new' syntax is <ClassName> thing = new('<ClassName>');
NOTE: Actor classes and all inheriting from it cannot be created with the new keyword, only the Spawn function or related.
  • 'auto' is known as 'let'
  • 'this' is known as self
  • readonly keyword available

From Java

  • 'boolean' is known as bool
  • No 'public' keyword. Everything is public by default, unless otherwise specified with private or protected.

From Lua

ZScript has multi-return and named arguments from Lua, with the following differences:

  • Multi-return values must be encased in square brackets: [val1, val2] = A_MyFunctionWithTwoReturns();
  • Named arguments must be used after the required parameters, and must be in order according to the function's specifications.


  • ZScript uses ; like in C-style languages.
  • Default Actor properties and Actor flags must be enclosed in the Default { } block.
  • ZScript has more strict checking for how values are specified. For example, in DECORATE you can define an actor's DamageType as DamageType Fire, but ZScript doesn't allow that, it has to be DamageType 'Fire'; or DamageType "Fire";. The reason is, damageType internally is a name, and names must be specified in quotation marks.
  • All Actor properties that take a string, name or a class name, must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • DoomEdNums aka editor numbers cannot be added in ZScript directly. They must be specified through MAPINFO, in the DoomEdNums block. (This method is recommended for DECORATE as well, however, since it's generally more convenient.)
  • Names of ZScript classes cannot begin with a number. For example, 12Gauge would not be a valid class name in ZScript. Use something like ShotgunAmmo_12Gauge for example.