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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.

HUDFont is an internal class in ZScript, for use in ZScript status bars.

This class is used in text-drawing functions (such as DrawString) as the font to use when drawing text. It also controls how the text is displayed, such as spacing and shadows.


  • Font mFont
The Font struct object that the HUDFont is using for drawing text.



  • static HUDFont Create(Font fnt, int spacing = 0, EMonospacing monospacing = Mono_Off, int shadowx = 0, int shadowy = 0)
  • Font fnt
The font to use.
  • int spacing
The amount of spacing between letters that will be displayed. If monospaced is true, this controls the overall spacing (i.e a spacing of 0 would draw all the characters on top of each other), otherwise this controls the spacing added on to the width of the character.
  • EMonospacing monospaced
Controls whether the font is monospaced, or uses the width of each character as spacing. If this is true, you must specify a spacing value manually - this can be easily done by calling GetCharWidth("0") ("0" is used here, but other characters can be used too) on the Font object passed to the fnt argument.
  • int shadowx
Controls how far to the right drawn texts' shadows are drawn, in pixels. Negative values will position the shadow to the left.
  • int shadowy
Controls how far down the drawn texts' shadows are drawn, in pixels. Negative values will position the shadow upwards.


In this example, 3 strings will be drawn to the screen, each in a different fashion.

class MyStatusBar : BaseStatusBar 
	HUDFont noMonospaceSmallfont;
	HUDFont monospaceSmallfont;
	HUDFont shadowSmallfont;
	override void Init() 
		SetSize(32, 320, 200);
		// smallfont is a built in Font object in ZScript - if you have your own font
		// and want to use that instead, you should initialize it like this:
		// Font myFont = "<FONT NAME>";
		// this font will not be monospaced when drawn
		noMonospaceSmallfont = HUDFont.Create(smallfont);
		// this font will be monospaced when drawn,
		// and each character will be spaced based on the width of the "0" character
		monospaceSmallfont = HUDFont.Create(smallfont, smallfont.GetCharWidth("0"), true);
		// this font will not be monospaced, but will cast a shadow 8 pixels to the right and 8 pixels to the left
		shadowSmallfont = HUDFont.Create(smallfont, 0, false, 8, 8);
	override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
		Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
		if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
		else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
	void DrawMainBar()
	void DrawFullScreenStuff()
	void DrawSomeText()
		// get the height of the font (we could get the height of any of the 3 HUDFonts we defined,
		// but they all use the same font internally so it shouldn't matter)
		// this is used to position each string below the last one
		int fontHeight = noMonospaceSmallfont.mFont.GetHeight();
		// this string will have no monospacing - the "I" will be far skinnier than other characters.
		DrawString(noMonospaceSmallfont, "TEXT DISPLAY", (0, 0 * fontHeight));
		// this string will be monospaced - the "I" will be displayed very awkwardly
		DrawString(monospaceSmallfont, "TEXT DISPLAY", (0, 1 * fontHeight));
		// this string will have a shadow 8 pixels to the right and 8 pixels to the bottom
		DrawString(shadowSmallfont, "TEXT DISPLAY", (0, 2 * fontHeight));

See also