Cheat code
Cheat codes in Doom engine games are entered by typing them during the game. The cheat system assumes that the keyboard is QWERTY, which can change them on international keyboards. For example, the "iddqd" cheat code would have to be typed as "iddad" on an AZERTY keyboard.
Each game has its own set of cheat codes, though the allcheats console variable allows to use them all in any game. For most purposes, the console offers more power and more versatility than cheats. Although DeHackEd allows to change the cheat codes, this feature is not supported in ZDoom.
The following cheat codes are supported in ZDoom:
idbehold | Displays the message "inVuln, Str, Inviso, Rad, Allmap, or Lite-amp", typing one additional letter gives a powerup:
idchoppers | Gives and select the chainsaw. |
idclip | No clipping. Equivalent to typing "noclip" in the console. Contrarily to vanilla Doom, this cheat works in Doom/The Ultimate Doom even without allcheats on. |
idclevxy | Warps to level ExMy or MAPxy. Equivalent to typing "idclev xy" in the console. |
iddqd | Sets health to 100% (even if higher!) and makes player immune to damage. Equivalent to typing "iddqd" in the console. |
iddt | This cheat needs to be typed in automap mode and cycles the value of the am_cheat console variable between 0 and 2.
idfa | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give armor" in the console. |
idkfa | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give keys; give armor" in the console. |
idmusxy | Plays the music from level ExMy or MAPxy. Contrarily to vanilla Doom, the weapon slots are not triggered when typing this cheat. |
idmypos | Shows the player's X, Y and Z coordinates. Contrarily to vanilla Doom, the coordinates are given in decimal numbers. |
idspispopd | No clipping. Equivalent to typing "noclip" in the console. Contrarily to vanilla Doom, this cheat works in Doom II/Final Doom even without allcheats on. |
cockadoodledoo | Turns the player into a chicken. Equivalent to typing "morphme" in the console. |
engagexy | Warps to level ExMy (or MAPxy). Same as the Doom cheat "idclev". Equivalent to typing "idclev xy" in the console. |
gimmex | The code is followed by a letter (a-j or z) which defines which item is given:
iddqd | Kills the player. Equivalent to typing "kill" in the console. If "allcheats" is on, the Doom cheat takes precedence. |
idkfa | Takes all weapons except the wimpy weapons that use no ammunitions. If "allcheats" is on, the Doom cheat takes precedence. |
kitty | No clipping. Equivalent to typing "noclip" in the console. |
massacre | Kills all monsters on the current level, equivalent to typing "kill monsters" in the console. |
noise | Toggles sound debug information. The display is different from vanilla Heretic. |
ponce | Sets health to 100%, equivalent of typing "give health" in the console. |
quicken | Makes the player immune to damage ("God mode"). Contrarily to the Doom cheat "iddqd", this does not change health. |
rambo | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give armor" in the console. |
ravmap | This cheat needs to be typed in automap mode and cycles the value of the am_cheat console variable between 0 and 2. Same as the Doom cheat "iddt". |
shazam | Gives the Tome of Power effect. |
skel | Equivalent to typing "give keys" in the console. |
ticker | Toggles ticks-per-frame counter, represented by tiny black pixels in the lower-left corner. (They are quite hard to notice on high resolutions.) |
Note: The "ravpic" cheat from vanilla Heretic is not supported, since ZDoom offers a screenshot command which can be bound to its own key and does not need to hijack the info menu key instead.
butcher | Kills all monsters on the current level, equivalent to typing "kill monsters" in the console. Same as the Heretic cheat "massacre". |
casper | No clipping. Equivalent to typing "noclip" in the console. |
clubmed | Sets health to 100%, equivalent of typing "give health" in the console. |
conan | Takes all weapons except the wimpy weapons that use no ammunitions. |
deliverance | Turns the player into a pig. Equivalent to typing "morphme" in the console. |
indiana | Equivalent to typing "give artifacts 25" in the console. |
locksmith | Equivalent to typing "give keys" in the console. |
mapsco | This cheat needs to be typed in automap mode and cycles the value of the am_cheat console variable between 0 and 2. Same as the "iddt" and "ravmap" cheats. |
nra | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give armor" in the console. |
satan | Turns on god mode, equivalent to the Heretic cheat "quicken". |
sherlock | Equivalent to typing "give puzzlepieces 25" in the console. |
visitxy | Warps to level xy, using the value given to the level by the "warptrans" property in its map definition. Equivalent to typing "hxvisit xy" in the console. This is not the same as the "idclev" or "engage" cheats: for example, "idclev 24" in Hexen will send you to ![]() ![]() |
where | Shows the player's X, Y and Z coordinates. Contrarily to vanilla Hexen, the coordinates are given in decimal numbers. |
Note: Vanilla Hexen uses different cheats in the demo version, where the codes are derived from the names of the developers (e.g., bgokey for Ben Gokey corresponds to god mode). These cheat codes are not implemented in ZDoom.
Furthermore, the "init", "puke" and "shadowcaster" cheats have been disabled. "Puke" can be used as a console command instead; but "init" and "shadowcaster" were removed because of technical concerns. Other Hexen cheats not implemented include "~xy" to change the CD track number, "mrjones" to display version information, and "martekmartekmartek" to kill the player. Finally, "noise" and "ticker" are implemented as Heretic cheats and can be used in Hexen with "allcheats" on.
boomstix | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give armor" in the console. |
donnytrump | Gives a HealthTraining item, which itself also give money and a GunTraining item. |
dots | Toggles ticks-per-frame counter, represented by tiny black pixels in the lower-left corner; same as the Heretic cheat "ticker" |
elvis | No clipping. Equivalent to typing "noclip" in the console. |
gripper | Toggle the "no velocity" cheat on or off. When active, the player's horizontal velocity is lost after each tic, resulting in a snail's pace and in jumps that are purely vertical. |
gps | Shows the player's X, Y and Z coordinates. |
jimmy | Equivalent to typing "give keys" in the console. |
lego | Each time entered, gives one piece of the Sigil. If the player has the full Sigil assembled, this cheat will also remove it. |
omnipotent | Sets health to 100% (even if higher!) and makes player immune to damage, same as the Doom cheat "iddqd". Equivalent to typing "iddqd" in the console. |
pumpupx | Displays the message "Bzrk, Inviso, Mask, Health, Pack, Stats", typing one additional letter gives one or more items:
riftxy | Warps to level ExMy or MAPxy. Equivalent to typing "idclev xy" in the console. |
scootx | Jumps player to specific entrance on current map. The number depends on which numbered start positions are placed on the map. Equivalent to typing "changemap <map> x" int the console, with <map> the current map label. |
spinxy | Plays the music from level ExMy or MAPxy. |
stonecold | Kills all monsters on the current level, equivalent to typing "kill monsters" in the console. Same as the "massacre" and "butcher" cheats. |
topo | This cheat needs to be typed in automap mode and cycles the value of the am_cheat console variable between 0 and 2. Same as the "iddt", "ravmap" and "mapsco" cheats. |
Chex Quest
allen | Gives a radiation-shielding suit |
andrewbenson | Gives a invulnerability sphere |
charlesjacobi | No clipping. Equivalent to typing "noclip" in the console. |
davidbrus | Sets health to 100% (even if higher!) and makes player immune to damage. Equivalent to typing "iddqd" in the console. |
deanhyers | Gives a berserk |
digitalcafe | Gives a computer area map |
joelkoenigs | Gives and select the chainsaw. |
joshuastorms | Gives a light-amplification visor |
kimhyers | Shows the player's X, Y and Z coordinates. |
leesnyderxy | Warps to level ExMy or MAPxy. Equivalent to typing "idclev xy" in the console. |
marybregi | Gives a blur sphere |
mikekoenigs | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give armor" in the console. |
scottholman | Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give keys; give armor" in the console. |
sherrill | This cheat needs to be typed in automap mode and cycles the value of the am_cheat console variable between 0 and 2. Same as the "iddt", "ravmap" etc. cheats. |
The Boom cheat is only available if allcheats is true.
tntem | Kills all monsters on the current level, equivalent to typing "kill monsters" in the console. |