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(no parameters)
Spawns a FireDroplet actor and does fire damage in a 64 unit radius.
A possible way to replicate this with more-customizable functions would be:
A_SpawnItemEx("FireDroplet", 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, -1) A_Explode(64, 64, XF_NOTMISSILE, false) // With DamageType "Fire" on the actor in question
From the state definition of StrifeHumanoid:
Burn: BURN A 3 Bright A_PlaySoundEx("human/imonfire", "Voice") BURN B 3 Bright A_DropFire BURN C 3 Bright A_Wander BURN D 3 Bright A_NoBlocking BURN E 5 Bright A_DropFire BURN FGH 5 Bright A_Wander BURN I 5 Bright A_DropFire BURN JKL 5 Bright A_Wander BURN M 5 Bright A_DropFire BURN NOPQPQ 5 Bright BURN RSTU 7 Bright BURN V -1 Stop