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Note: Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:
  1. You do NOT need to copy that actor, since it is already defined.
  2. In fact, it's not just useless, it will cause problems.
  3. If you want to modify it, or use a modified version, using inheritance is the way to go.
  4. The actor definitions here are put on the wiki for reference purpose only. Learn from them, don't copy them.
Pulsing point light
Actor type Dynamic light Game MiniOpenGLLogoIcon.png (OpenGL)
DoomEd Number 9801 Class Name PointLightPulse

Classes: DynamicLightPointLightPointLightPulse
A pulsing point light takes five arguments:

1: Red value of the light
2: Green value of the light
3: Blue value of the light
4: Minimum radius of the light, in map units
5: Maximum radius of the light, in map units

In addition, the angle is used to determine the pulse time, in tics (there are 35 tics per seconds).

All dynamic lights can be toggled on and off with Thing_Activate and Thing_Deactivate.

DECORATE definition

ACTOR PointLightPulse : PointLight
  DynamicLight.Type "Pulse"